Eliminating wasps from tricky spot.

  • steelslinger71
    Posts: 177

    Wait til dusk and carefully cinch it down to the size of the nozzle of your leaf blower and hit it full force with air while spraying it with wasp spray alongside the nozzle at the same time. Wearing your ice suit would be a good idea too.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5721

    When in doubt, C4

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3195

    Wait until dark, throw a tarp over it and spray under it.

    I’d be on board with this.

    Posts: 435

    The colder it is, the less they can move. Even at 60 degrees they barely move. Find them and try the gasoline in a jar trick on them and come back and tell us your heroic story.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    So I lifted a crease in the tarp with a stick and could see the edge of a nest last night right after dark, I could see at least 20 wasps. I unloaded a full can of wasp killer in to it. And I used a second can on any other crevis opening I could see. The wasps were trying hard to get out but we’re dropping fast. Hoping that did it, but today after work I will move it and see if any more come out. I’ll have 2 more cans of killer ready to go to battle.

    Posts: 615

    I had the same experience last night sprayed a small hive at the peak of the house with no problem. Was standing talking to a friend and noticed a bunch of wasps like over 100 coming out of the corner of the house and under some shingles. Took over two cans of spray to kill all of them they just kept coming out. No activity this morning. Good Luck BC.

    Posts: 3421

    Looks like you got it under control. I would have covered with a tarp tucking the edges under the table cover the best I could and put a Raid bug bomb inside. I’ve had very good luck with this technique. I’ve used it for nests under concrete steps, in the ground, under the bottom edge of siding. The vapors penetrate very well. You should remove the tarp before the next morning’s light so the bees that didn’t make it back the night before get a whiff of the insecticide and aren’t milling around the tarp trying to get in.

    Jerry Hoffmann
    Posts: 16

    I’d try to get a rope (clothesline would work) tied or hooked to it to drag it away from a distance and maybe flip it over. Tie/hook it at night when they’re more docile.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    The cover is wasp free. But after those 80 mph winds and tornado, I haven’t seen the cover since rotflol

    Posts: 19473

    Light cover on fire and buy a new one…

    This would be my decision as well, I don’t mess with wasps…

    Posts: 19473

    The cover is wasp free. But after those 80 mph winds and tornado, I haven’t seen the cover since rotflol

    Jesus took the wheel…

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