Getting a new hot tub and need it wired. New home and already have the elecrtric box on outside of house dedicated for tub. It will be installed Tues July 19th. Anyone near Andover looking to make a few extra $ Tues night?

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Getting a new hot tub and need it wired. New home and already have the elecrtric box on outside of house dedicated for tub. It will be installed Tues July 19th. Anyone near Andover looking to make a few extra $ Tues night?
Be …..VERY SURE…… that the circuit breaker feeding power to tub has a GFCI or similar device to prevent electrocution of people bare foot . A…. weather proof …..service disconnect switch near the pool is a excellent requirement. Turn off power while working on the pump or any other electrical part of the pool.
Water & electricity are a deadly combination. Plenty of shocks and deaths of that happening at boat docks with 120 vac getting into the water.
There is NO 2nd chance with water & electricity.
Be …..VERY SURE…… that the circuit breaker feeding power to tub has a GFCI or similar device to prevent electrocution of people bare foot . A…. weather proof …..service disconnect switch near the pool is a excellent requirement. Turn off power while working on the pump or any other electrical part of the pool.
Water & electricity are a deadly combination. Plenty of shocks and deaths of that happening at boat docks with 120 vac getting into the water.
There is NO 2nd chance with water & electricity.
He’s right…you appear to want a quick/cheap hookup but your liability on this is staggering. I’m a licensed MN master electrician (40 years) and I’d advise you to hire a licensed electrical contractor (not just a licensed electrician). A licensed electrical contractor that pulls a permit and does this properly is your best move and if god forbid you have an issue, your covered. If someone gets hurt or killed, even slips or falls, guess what…you’re on the hook for this. Your insurance company is going to turn on you in a millisecond. My guess is the dealer you bought it from offered this service (or a referral) and you want to go about it easier/cheaper. Bad move…just my opinion.
Not sure how already having a dedicated shut off with 50amp GFCI breaker outside and wired into our main breaker box is cutting costs. Simply looking for someone to wire the tub using 6 gauge copper wire with the proper conduit.
Hot tub company does not do electrical or I would have add them do it. There referrals are out months….go figure.
Got a few leads cooking thank you.
Hey…didn’t mean to come off as a dickhead, just stressing the responsibility you as a homeowner have to cover all the bases. I’m sure a qualified electrician can do this easily but technically it is supposed to have a permit pulled and be inspected. The box outside awaiting final connection is great but connecting to it legally requires a permit. I’m just looking at the “what if” scenario. Again, meant no disrespect to you or your methods. Good luck and don’t bother heating it next week…it’ll be plenty hot anyway!
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