Electric Auger Advice

  • B-man
    Posts: 6615

    I know the new Strikemaster is supposed to be the cat’s meow (one day I’ll probably own one), but follow me through here.

    My Original Ion battery is finally getting weak after years of reliable service. I bought it the first year they came out (mfg date says 2012, so I probably got it in 2013)

    I see a few options and am asking for your advice.

    #1 Buy a replacement battery and enjoy it for years to come. (Marine General has them for $69)

    #2 Sell as is with a weak battery ($250?) and upgrade to a new Ion or Strikemaster

    #3 Buy a new battery and get around $300 out of it- then put that money towards a brand new Ion or Strikemaster

    What would you do????

    The powerhead and auger have years and years of life left, but the gas tank is running low )

    Should I fill it up and keep it, sell it with an empty tank, or sell it with a full tank?

    The auger owes me nothing, and has cost me $10 a year in theoretical gasoline and oil (7-8 years of service on a $69 battery)

    On a related note, my DeWalt drill is acting up. Something with electronic clutch is wigging out shock

    Until I buy a new battery or decide what to do with the Ion, there’s gonna be a little smoke on the lake again mrgreen

    Central Mn
    Posts: 1593

    B-Man, in 2013 did they have a centering point and reverse? If so $69 is not much compared to the new prices. They still just drill a hole, and my Ion does that fine.

    Rob G
    Posts: 91

    IMO depends on your financial situation, if you have the money & really want a new one go for it! That’s what I do. I still have the gas honda strikemaster and probably wont upgrade until this thing dies and I cant get parts for it or its cost prohibitive which could be easily on the horizon as i’m sure they want people to move over to there battery powered ones.

    But I will say this thing is a little cold blooded and that may make me upgrade sooner…

    Greg R.
    New Berlin, WI
    Posts: 81

    $69 is a pretty cheap fix. Especially if it is running good. I have an ion X and love it. Hopefully by the time I need a new battery the price of them comes down. Going on year 3 with it so far.

    Posts: 19436

    $69 battery option, not gaining much other than alot of added cost upgrading to a newer electric auger…

    Posts: 4517

    Keep it and spend a little more on the new 6 amp hour battery.

    Posts: 674

    I’m not real up to speed on what the Original Ion was like. But I think if you were happy with it, and are still happy with it, 69 bucks is a pretty economical way to keep enjoying what you have.

    If you have money burning a hole in your pocket for the latest and greatest, I think I would sell it as is and use the sale to help fund a new one. I have a hard time with putting money into something just to sell it. I think it might make it sell faster, but you probably won’t get the cost of the battery out of it with a higher sale price.

    Posts: 1564

    I’d get another battery. And, if you want to get more holes and drill even faster, get a strikemaster 6″ lazer hand auger- bolts right up to the ion extension. Plus, blades usually are cheaper and easier to find. (and, you get a hand auger when you need it). For panfish, 6 inch hole is more than enough.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12418

    Have you considered going gas? No expensive batteries to buy… flame chased jester

    Posts: 35

    I like my strikemaster 40 volt but for $69 i would get a new battery. You can always spend the money upgrading something else

    Posts: 6615

    Have you considered going gas? No expensive batteries to buy… flame chased jester

    I’ll give you that, gas augers don’t require a new battery every 7-8 years…..

    Just constant gas, oil, mixing, gas cans, carb kits, smoke, smell, cracked fuel tanks, fuel filters, broken throttle cables, broken recoil ropes, cussing…..blah blah blah mrgreen

    Once you go green—-You’re done with gasoline )

    I might have to dust off the gas auger this weekend until I get a battery…..I hope it starts….haven’t ran it in years lol

    Thanks for all the advice guys, I’ll probably end up sticking with it.

    Does the new 6AH battery work on the Gen 1 Ions??

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