Electric Auger Advice – re-drilling in deep ice

  • GoldWinger
    Posts: 127

    Looking for advice experience with electric anger (K drill, Nils, Ion, etc.) Specifically for re-drilling in deep ice conditions….Bulk of fishing on LOW, typically don’t hole-hop, but by late season could be (re-) drilling in 30″+ ice
    Am sure all are good in “shallow” ice, but looking for advice, on-ice experience for these circumstances.
    (And Happy Thanksgiving — be safe out there)

    Beast Fisher
    Posts: 21

    i think the k-drill would be best for re-drilling because it has a center bit that keeps you from bouncing around, from watching others using it seems to work great. i beleive its max drill depth is 36″. lighter weight.

    nils is more efficient and fastest at drilling new holes and it’s what i use, i have re-drilled my holes before but i have to be careful to center it properly before i drill, max is around 40″ i think.

    nice thing about the k-drill/nils is you can use them with any 1/2″ high torque drill you have around the house and save a bit of money.

    milwaukee and makita both have good 18v drills that have great torque for this, i use the makita

    can’t speak for the ion.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Unless you have a powerpoint Nils blade (which they don’t make anymore), you will be bouncing around more than bugs bunny at an 80’s nightclub in Miami. Love the Nils, but they really do not work good for re-opening holes. I don’t have much experience re-opening holes with the other two, but they both do very well with new holes.

    Eric Niles
    Posts: 2

    The best auger for opening old holes is a chipper
    I have the Stikemaster lithium chipper with an extension and 36″ is no problem

    Posts: 319

    I have both a Nils and a Kdrill. Nils are nice for new holes very little torque and fast. But the k-drill in my opinion does a better job at opening old holes and that is the reason I purchased one. I use the milwaukee fuel 5amp batt.

    Posts: 539

    WEll…I just bought a K drill so I’ll let you know in a few weeks. I’m finally going to sell my SM electra lazer that I’ve been extremely disappointed since I bought but has been okay for my wheel house so I held on to it.

    Now I’m keeping my eyes open for a good battery.

    p.s. If you are looking for a k drill, there is a pretty good deal on them right now PLUS free shipping, but it currently looks like the 6″ are on back order but 8″ are still to be had….

    Where’s the deal at?

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