Electric Anchor on the big pond

  • J Wallace
    Posts: 12

    anyone have experience with using a electric anchor winch on Mille lacs? i anchor quite often even in moderate seas w/ 30′ depth, but getting a little old to keep dragging in a anchor. I am considering a electric anchor winch. I have a 17′ lund, with 28# anchor, 100′ rope.
    as a note, i know some use elec trolling motor with GPS for holding in spots, but don’t want to go that route..
    any thoughts are appreciated.

    Posts: 5139

    I’d use a windlass over a winch. More options for line.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17429

    I see no reason not to use one. If you have a failure during the time a storm kicks up be sure to have a sharp knife handy to cut the rope. As a example Sunday would have been a bad time to have anchor issues.

    Posts: 178

    tried bobber fishing in the boat with 3 guys with the ulterra
    it swayed back in forth way more than a bow mount anchor in the wind, had to reel one up not for for me get electric

    Posts: 5

    A knife is a good idea. I was using an electric bow mounted anchor years ago on the pond. One day in big swells the rope jumped the reel and got tightly jammed inside the anchor housing and around the reel shaft. Will never forget that day, me up on the bow platform hanging on for dear life with one hand and a screw driver in the other, all while trying to unscrew the anchor cover and get that son of a gun unjammed. Not fun.

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Wouldn’t you be able to just pull the anchor by hand and fix it on shore?

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Wouldn’t you be able to just pull the anchor by hand and fix it on shore?

    Dang it Dusty, where’s the fun it that?

    Posts: 5

    It’s not like a could make a quick run to a harbor and fix it and then run right back in a big swell like that. Good luck beaching on shore in that.

    Posts: 6687

    You can also get away with a much lighter anchor if you incorporate a bungee to absorb the shock from the waves. Without it, you will move your anchor.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Perhaps something has changed in 10 years on electric anchors. My experience with 3 different types was a epic fail.
    The rope would jump the spool, what a joy that was to try and unwrap.

    2 nd item was rope diameter waaay to small and limited as to the actual anchor weight and stowing the anchor.

    3rd experience, weeds not freindly….. while a great concept & should be a do able idea, I certainly cant recommend overall. Again, maybe there is something better currently?

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3142

    If you want power to retrieve an anchor, I’ll put in a second vote for using a windlass. A windlass overcomes the previously mentioned problems associated with a winch.

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