Eating Walleye at a Restaurant

  • Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5099

    You ever do it? I have always been adamant that I won’t. I catch my own, cool my own, eat my own. Won’t pay for it.

    Then tonight, it looked good at a local place so I broke my own rule. Was damn good so now I’m rethinking all my life choices.

    Posts: 4800

    every once in a while i will. one thing i dont ever care to order anymore is ribs at a restraunt. every time i have ive been disapointed and remind myself i can cook way better ribs than that at home ha

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    I’m with you all the way. I’d bet you’ll get over it and go back to your “rule” like I did. Rules are meant to be broken, after all.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4086

    I’ve always felt the same way with fish that can be caught in MN lakes & rivers, I can do the same damn thing so why pay a big mark-up for it. The only exception was walleye I had at a place in Duluth that had some sliced almond crust or something.

    Posts: 354

    Let down ordering walleye from anywhere expecting it be as good as fresh caught. Fresh, deep fried, boneless eyes/crappies/sunnies with tobasco green sauce is the bomb.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    so why pay a big mark-up for it.

    I wish that was the case. I probably blew $150 on my opener a took not a single walleye home. doah

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4086

    Haha you make a good point there!

    Posts: 1172

    I see the walleye behind the glass in grocery stores and it looks as unappetizing as a fish could be, not to mention $20/lb. I prefer my fish bled, cut, and cooked asap.

    Posts: 6259

    I would never get walleye out but…..

    There is a dive bar in the middle of the federal out by me. Wintergreen is the name on Wintergreen lake no less. Get there early or late on Friday only as the place is very small with limited seating. Flat top seared walleye is huge with homemade sides. Pricey but very good and very big fillets.

    Come back on Saturday as they serve fresh burgers on same said flat top. Get it with fresh shroons and swiss. OMG. Once again, they only serve it Saturday.

    Once in awhile they do steaks on Sunday. You need to sign up for this as they are limited in quantity. They get the steaks from a local butcher. Well you know the rest of the story…..

    Wintergreen is on the ATV and snowmobile trail, you can even drive to it I suppose. They know how to make walleye…….

    Cameron white
    Posts: 516

    Most of the walleye in your restaurants comes from lake Winnipeg.

    Alagnak Pete
    Posts: 362

    Not just fish that I won’t order out. Same with smoked meats/BBQ and steaks. I only order what I don’t normally cook myself.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11041

    Seeing as how I’m strickly a bass fisherman, I eat walleye at restaurants quite frequently and if a walleye sandwich is on the menu I’ll go for that. Has to have a good pickle though.
    Tuff to beat a good pan seared walleye filet with a veg medley and a cold beer.

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    Now you went and did it Eelpout, that’s all that I can think about now.

    Bismarck, ND
    Posts: 610

    My rationale for not ordering walleye at restaurants is more so related to how bad most restaurants prepare it. It has always been some overly doughey breading. I usually cook it much better.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21948

    I have never eaten fish at a restaurant. Kinda same reason you said. I also feel like what I catch clean and cook is way better. Even tho I never tried it.

    Hodag Hunter
    Northern Wisconsin
    Posts: 480

    I am 58 years old. I lived on a lake my whole life. I have never had a fish fry at a restaurant.

    OH…I have had a Filet o Fish sammy at Hardees or Culvers (on a Friday during lent) a few times when I was a working guy on the road a lot. Does that count?

    Pat K
    Empire, MN
    Posts: 942

    A nephew of mine worked at a high end restaurant for a while. He claimed that a high percentage of the walleye served in restaurants was actually zander. He said it was imported to Canada where they could legally package it as walleye then ship it to the US.

    Posts: 3413

    I have only eaten walleye that the restaurant provides a couple of times. But many times I will bring in the fish I caught and have the restaurant deep fry it. For restaurant food, I usually order something I don’t make at home.

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1592

    Rarely eat walleye unless it is fish I caught and had the restaurant cook. On the hand, a perch fish fry at a Wisconsin supper club is a classic and nearly always enjoyable. In-laws north of Milwaukee have several local taverns that provide an outstanding Friday night fish fry. Also hit a few places in the Ripon/Green Lake area that provide good fish fries. However, only do the fish fry if it is perch.

    Posts: 1166

    I’ve always wanted to order walleye just to try out different ways of making it than I do in order to get ideas. However, try as hard as I might, most of the time when I sit down at a restaurant, I go towards the burger or other red meat because it’s going to fill me up more. And I love beef.

    Posts: 379

    I also like trying walleye at a higher end restaurant to see what they do with it, and get ideas for myself

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18728

    I don’t usually order fish in a restaurant unless it’s a saltwater fish like flounder, cod, or swordfish. I did have a whitefish sandwich once at Curlys Pub inside Lambeau Field and it was phenomenal. Went down great with a cold spotted cow.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11041

    I also like trying walleye at a higher end restaurant to see what they do with it, and get ideas for myself


    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5099

    I have only eaten walleye that the restaurant provides a couple of times. But many times I will bring in the fish I caught and have the restaurant deep fry it. For restaurant food, I usually order something I don’t make at home.

    Flag Island resort has some of the best fried walleye I’ve ever had. That’s a great place to catch yourself and have them fry em up. I asked for the coating they use and they wouldn’t tell me.

    Tom Albrecht
    Eau Claire
    Posts: 547

    You guys clearly have never been to a Wisconsin Friday night fish fry. Plus no kitchen mess

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4311

    Rarely eat walleye unless it is fish I caught and had the restaurant cook. On the hand, a perch fish fry at a Wisconsin supper club is a classic and nearly always enjoyable. In-laws north of Milwaukee have several local taverns that provide an outstanding Friday night fish fry. Also hit a few places in the Ripon/Green Lake area that provide good fish fries. However, only do the fish fry if it is perch.

    Between Fondo and Oshkosh Wendy’s Bar best perch ever and you can order it any day.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6243

    Walleye? No.

    Saltwater fish? Whole nother story bring it on…

    Posts: 433

    The correct answer is shrimp.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    i have fresh walleye an hour away so maybe done it a few times in 30 years incidentally? I doubt I will ever order it again in my next 30 years.

    Posts: 5305

    Everytime I ordered it I was disappointed, therefore over the years after enough disappointment it doesn’t get ordered much anymore.

    I’d honestly love to enjoy it at a restaurant like many reasons posted above.

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