Eat your Venison!

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Just had year old frozen venison my buddy gave us. He wrapped it in cellophane then freezer wrap. A very good way to go if you dont have a vacuum sealer. It was terrible. Eat it up before next season!!

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    I’ve had good luck with that method but I double wrap it before wrapping with freezer paper. So far no complaints. I’ve even had cases of multiple years in the freezer.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    I thought old venison didn’t get bad, it just evolved into chili meat?

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    Cubed venison is great in chili. New or old.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I have a hard time believing you would have venison for that long. I shoot 2 deer a year and the wife and I run out before the next hunting season.

    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1739

    Wife and I eat two before the next year if I am able to get two in the freezer… I have guys give me meat that I wish they would give to me a lot earlier so it could be eaten without cutting all the Freezer Burn off…


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    suzuki – Here is just something to drool over

    1. 20131207_174934.jpg

    Wisconsin Dells WI
    Posts: 908

    Man Randy that’s making me hungry…my wife loves to fill the freezer up with all her crap so sometimes the venison gets to the bottom and forgot about..UGH!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    ooooh yea! I’ll be pulling some pheasant out soon. Saw a nice looking wild rice soup recipe on the fishing recipe forum.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    Hell yea randy. If that bacon wrapped roast? We have done that and its pretty good. Salli just tried a crock pot roast and it turned out pretty good. We used to crock pot them and like the steaks try to not cook them to long. Ended up just the opposite was required. 8hrs in the crock pot was good. 10 was better. The roast just fell apart with a fork. Put it on some bread with mashed tators and gravy and had a fantastic hot sandwich.

    Whats the chance that venison might not of been good to begin with Mike. Every once and a while we get a off tasting piece off a deer. Meat maybe got a little gut juice on it. That will turn it bad fast. Then again Ive seen my dad pull out steaks that he swears are a year old that I might of seen in that freezer as a kid.

    Ed Stern
    Goodhue, MN, Goodhue County,
    Posts: 510

    The best venison story I can give you concerning frozen meat: back in the late 70’s, my good friend had been lucky during the bow season. Since he gun hunted, too, he was trying to get rid of some fresh venison sausage. I told him I would take a couple of sticks. When he brought them to me, he had written ‘1957 Muskrat Sausage’ on the freezer paper. When my wife saw them, she didn’t ask if this tasted good or anything like that. Her response was, “1957, ……will that still be good?”

    We bring that up now & then and still get a kick out of her casual attitude towards wild game!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Hell yea randy. If that bacon wrapped roast? We have done that and its pretty good. Salli just tried a crock pot roast and it turned out pretty good. We used to crock pot them and like the steaks try to not cook them to long. Ended up just the opposite was required. 8hrs in the crock pot was good. 10 was better. The roast just fell apart with a fork. Put it on some bread with mashed tators and gravy and had a fantastic hot sandwich.

    Whats the chance that venison might not of been good to begin with Mike. Every once and a while we get a off tasting piece off a deer. Meat maybe got a little gut juice on it. That will turn it bad fast. Then again Ive seen my dad pull out steaks that he swears are a year old that I might of seen in that freezer as a kid.

    Definitely possible. I had a grouse last year that was inedible. Fresh too. The other one was perfect as usual. I had never seen that before. It starting balling up when I cooked it. It contracted into a hard tough nasty mess. That bird was not meant to be eaten. Must have been diseased or something?

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Randy Wieland wrote:</div>
    suzuki – Here is just something to drool over

    Except for the asparagus, that looks fantastic.

    …Randy leave the asparagus there, I will eat Ralphs share and mine to. Every thing in that pic looks yummy.! waytogo …rrr

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736

    Whats the chance that venison might not of been good to begin with Mike. Every once and a while we get a off tasting piece off a deer.

    Definitely possible. I had a grouse last year that was inedible. Fresh too. The other one was perfect as usual. I had never seen that before. It starting balling up when I cooked it. It contracted into a hard tough nasty mess. That bird was not meant to be eaten. Must have been diseased or something?
    [/quote]…Suzuki…We pretty much had the same thing happen in No Dak, with Sandhill Cranes. We always called them flying filet mignon. But Cooked one up In no dak a few years ago, it turned out about like your Grouse… …rrr

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    I thought old venison didn’t get bad, it just evolved into chili meat?

    It’s hard to tell how bad it gets considering what it tastes like when it’s fresh.

    Cody hesseltine
    Posts: 112

    I’ve had to give some away before and ground it for jerky. Made the mistake of trying to keep 4 deer for myself the other year.

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