Early goose season is tomorrow

  • sticker
    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I am getting pretty pumped! Did not make it out for the August season, it’s just too hot for goose hunting, but I will be up bright and early tomorrow morning setting up a few family groups of full bodies and some floaters. Cannot wait to hear that Benelli Nova bark for the first time of the year and smell freshly burnt gunpowder. yay yay yay

    Justin Laack
    Posts: 518

    Oh yes I am ready!! Got a field with birds, but other groups have permission too, so we will see how it goes.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Plenty warm and no birds moving yet. Heard the fist shots of the day off in the distance. Lots of ducks around, especially woodys

    Justin Laack
    Posts: 518

    Hunted yesterday morning 8 guys and scratched out 7 birds, most of the birds it a different field instead of ours that they have been in all week. Scouted last night and wouldn’t you know it the flew right into the field we had hunted in the morning. This morning we pounded 11 for 9 guys out of the field that they went to yesterday morning, if they could have come in smaller flocks we could have done better, at one time we had about 200 birds just circling around us, tonight if they weather holds out we will hit our original field for an evening hunt. good luck guys,

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