Early goose results

  • sticker
    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I sure all you boys and girls had better luck than we did. Got to the farm Friday night to see the farmer had just cut the 50 acre alfalfa field that we were going to hunt. Perfect set up, fresh cut alfalfa bordered by standing corn. The geese did stand a chance. We got out early and set up 4 dozen full bodies in the alfalfa in a long bunch of family groups. Nestled into the standing corn and waited and waited. The guys to our north got 5-6 rallies and they had a lot of guys. The guys to our south and to our east never fired the gun, nor did we. Saw one high goose that was it. Sunday morning back out early. A few more geese flying and one single came right down the pipe and into the spread, down goes Fraiser. About an hour later 2 came over, but didn’t seem like they were going to commit so we took them and got one of them. That was it for the weekend. Man was it slow. Hope other guys did better than us.

    Here was our spread Saturday morning.

    1. decoy-spread.jpg

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Looks like a primo setup to me!

    Posts: 9311

    Maybe to close to the corn for their liking?

    Posts: 9311

    After rereading the post it sounds like they just were not there. Hunting a honey hole tomorrow. -)

    Posts: 4941

    Maybe to close to the corn for their liking?

    I have always had better luck in the center of a field, the natural cover is great a great blind, but most geese prefer to be away from the cover where they can detect dangers from a distance.

    Posts: 9311

    Shot these this morning in the Alexandria area.

    1. 2014-09-09-09.48.43.jpg

    2. 2014-09-09-08.22.27.jpg

    Posts: 9311

    The family truckster doing work. -)

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    That’s awesome. The one looks to have a splitting headache….

    Justin Laack
    Posts: 518

    Our group managed a few birds. ended with 22 for the weekend. We setup in the same sweetcorn field both mornings. Saturday started bright and early for our group Wallster and I got out to the field at 2 am to beat all the other possible 20 guys who also had permission for the field. We had 2 other relatives of mine join us for the hunt. We managed 11 birds for the morning with 3 having bands. We had plenty of birds in the area and probably should’ve had our 20. Sunday morning once again Wallster and I hit the field at 3 am this time to get it before others. Had my brother in law join us and we managed 11 birds again. definately did not have the numbers of birds flying sunday as we did saturday but they did decoy better on sunday.

    1. sun-goose.jpg

    2. sat-goose.jpg

    3. bands.jpg

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    Nice work guys! We went out both days and pounded on birds as well. Saturday they were vocal as all heck but slightly stubborn we scratched 8 in the morning and about the same on our evening sit. Sunday they were flying early and often and silent. If they saw our spread though they were ready to work the spread and we had a awesome day before heading out to watch the Vikes game at noon! Here is our Saturday morning pile ready to go into the jerky processor

    1. open-14.jpeg

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Hey Team, just got back into the new website. Freaking awesome updates!

    We spent last Fri-Sun in North Dakota chasing early season honkers. More birds, more fields to choose from, and waaaaay less competition. Had a great time and shot plenty of birds feet down at the boot bags. Overall a great way to kick off the 2014 season!

    Sounds like the molts started showing up out there yesterday with the front that is pushing through. Should shake things up and make for a good rest of the early season. Might try to bang a few on the river closer to home in the next couple days.


    1. IMG_8244_snow_crop.jpg

    2. IMG_8268_good-Pile_small.jpg

    3. IMG_8250_good_small.jpg

    4. IMG_8236_good_small.jpg

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Maybe to close to the corn for their liking?

    Yeah, we were prepared for that with layout blinds already stuffed with fresh cut alfalfa. Just thought we would try the standing corn first. Had there been more birds and they just didn’t like the spread we were ready to move. Just nothing moving so it wasn’t worth the move.

    Looks like you did quite well, nice work!

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