On Lake Nipigon it is always easy to get away from people but Fall is scary lonely there are only Moose and Bear tracks on the dirt roads to the landing.
I was lucky enough to get out on the lake again in early fall and explore some new areas.
We found Specs staging to spawn in front of a small creek. It reminded me of Pink Salmon in Alaska that will go to any fresh water coming into the ocean. This was just a spring running into the lake with a lot of gravel and small rock. I didn’t expect to find 8# Trout at the mouth of this little creek. What a cool day to experience with my wife.
We figured this was a small population spawning here and we happened to be there at the perfect time so we handled the fish with extra care and released them all healthy.
We ended up catching eleven Specs from 18 to 26 inches.
Every time you spend time on the water you learn. Fish location what they are eating or were they are not LOL. We got to learn and catch fish of a lifetime on this trip.
Posts: 25
September 9, 2019 at 9:36 pm