I finally got enough “dry” weather that I got 1/2 of my 1.2 acre soybean plot planted on Thursday 5/31. This is actually “early” for planting at my place, it has been very difficult the past 4 years to get anything done in May due to constant rain.
I have a low spot that the tractor needs to drive through to get to the part of the plot that is dedicated to soybeans. I decided this year was the last straw, so I went into the woods with a brush cutter and cut a new road up on a ridge to get around the low spot completely. I didn’t want to spend the 2 hours, but this will pay dividends in all future years.
Unfortunately, that only left me with enough time to disc down the rye cover crop and plant half the plot. I’ll have to go up and plant the remaining half next week.
– Planting Date: May 31, 2018
– Seed: Eagle Forage Soybeans – Wildlife Manager’s Mix North. Planted with broadcast seeder at about 65 pounds per acre and then gently disked in with low angle on the gang. Rolled after planting.
– Fertilizer: 9-20-37 Applied at planting.
Today (June 2) we got at least .75 inches of rain on the plot, which is awesome timing. Here’s hoping for a fantastic plot.