Eagle bean question

  • sticker
    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I noticed that my Eagle soy beans up north are starting to yellow a little. All the ag beans in the area are all quite yellow, but I thought the forage beans didn’t turn until they got hit with frost. I am curious if this is drought related or are they starting to turn due to time of year? We haven’t had hardly any rain up there for over 3 weeks. The rye I spread on August 24th mostly hasn’t germinated. Seed is just laying there waiting for rain.

    On a brite note this plot is getting hammered by the deer really hard right now still being green and the eagles are standing up to the intense pressure quite well.

    1. Eagles-up-north.jpg

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11844

    Is it really dry up there? Could just be drought stress.

    Are most of the beans that are yellowing in the shade or partial shade?

    Like leaves on trees, soybean plants can begin to turn color and die as a reaction to declining availability of sunlight. The beans may have been getting enough sunlight during the longer summer hours and with higher sun angles, but now in the fall the sun angle is lower and the daylight shorter.


    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Thanks Grouse, yeah it is really dry up there. We got a little rain over the weekend and more coming this week, so maybe they will rebound.

    The majority of the plot gets full sun and there are yellowing leaves thru the whole plot.

    There were 5 bucks bedded on the south end of the plot within 20 yards of it Saturday morning and 2 on the north end. Antlers everywhere when I went to pull the trail cam. They are in the plot all day every day. They sure like them eagle beans toast

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Here are the eagle beans at home with decent rain. Chest high and still green

    1. 20170918_183523.jpg

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