Dummy needs help…

  • stillakid2
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Up on Lake Vermillion and my bro-in-law has a new EchoMap 73cv. It was working great but today we ran the battery down and had to shut it down. Prior to the shutdown, while on the Maps + Sonar screen, the depth starting blinking and putting stutter reading that placed a yellow column from top to bottom. We were off the blue shading of the contour map, which was 6.0′ and shallower, and we started getting depth readings of 0.8′ and the shallow alarm would sound. Pull the boat out to about 7.5′ and it would shut off. Start trolling and it would read 5.5′ deep and an alarm would sound again. The shallow alarm is set for 3′.

    Now, if we go out to deeper water (10′ and deeper}, the sonar screen cleans up and the alarms go away. Getting under 7′ deep would set it all off again. Odd reading pillars on the sonar screen and false depth readings.

    Have any of you guys seen this or know what to do? Can’t seem to figure out where in the settings we can change any of these triggers.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5184

    Trying going in and resetting the depth range to auto….you can also restore all the defaults.

    I’ve seen this before with my 93 and it has been related to the setting getting changed from auto.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Thanks Matt! We’ll give it a try!

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    I had that happen with my Bird. Restoring all defaults fixed it.

    Posts: 231

    Happens to mine all the time when over weed beds or large rocks.

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