With the MN waterfowl season starting and the new regs finally released, now is the time to begin preparing for the season. What new gear or tactics will everyone be bringing to the blind this year?
After scouting spots and pinpointing where I will be hunting this fall, I have changed the way I rig some of my decoys. 75% of my hunting is done in 3′ or less of water. I have rigged all 5 dozen of my mallards and 2 dozen teal with 48″ Texas rigs. Once late season starts and the divers start coming down, my deeper traditional rigs will be pulled out. My geese are still traditionally rigged with J-hook weights.
Over the last few years I have made the transition of hunting in a boat blind to a chair directly in the cattails with the boat parked down shore a ways. I have noticed I flair less birds and my decoy percentage has risen dramatically. Yes, sitting in knee deep water on a chair is significantly less comfortable, but I’m out hunting to succeed, not be comfortable. Still thinking about making some sort of marsh table to hold my blind bag while sitting in the cattails. Holding ammo, gloves and other gear in my wader and jacket pockets gets to be too much at times.
Let’s hear some new ideas and tactics some of you will be trying this year.