Duck hunting opener – south of the mason dixon line

  • Arkansas Red
    Posts: 10

    I’ve been away for awhile and have recently moved to Arkansas, to chase a career dream. Things are wonderful down here and I have experienced my first Arkansas duck opener. These pictures include opening weekend for six of us. We limited out on Saturday by 8:30 and Sunday by 9:45. We had the unbelievable luck of getting 4 redheads on Sunday morning. What an incredible hunt.

    1. 2nd-day-of-2015-duck-season1.jpg

    2. 1st-day-of-2015-duck-season.jpg

    3. 2nd-day-of-2015-duck-season.jpg

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    That’s some impressive looking piles!! What part of the state are you in? Flooded timber? Fields?


    Arkansas Red
    Posts: 10

    We were in a flooded milo field near St. Charles.

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