Drop in triggers for an AR?

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I bought a Windham AR a few years ago for prairie dog hunting. Not the best gun for pd’s but I wanted a black rifle as well… two with one stone.

    I noticed that while the trigger is “good”, it could be improved on. It’s slightly heavy and has what I consider a LOT of creep.

    What brand/model drop in triggers have you guys run across that you like?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Which trigger do you have experience with Jeff?

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    I really like the CMC triggers. I have a single stage that I believe is 3lb and a dual stage that’s probably 1 and 3? Both are flat style triggers but they also make them in the traditional curved.

    JP makes sweet stuff, plus their local. The prices of their drop-ins are a tough pill to swallow, however…You could almost buy two CMC or POF triggers for the price of 1 JP. They’re nicer but surely not twice as nice, IMO.

    Jeff Taylor
    Posts: 1

    I love Elftmann Triggers. They are the only drop-in after market trigger operated on sealed needle bearings. I know their high end triggers work in all PCC’s. I’ve read they are the only ones with the technology to handle the various AR calibers. They have a short reset and about the cleanest break I ever felt. I saw an article about them on “the truth about guns.” They were compared up against several other triggers and they beat them all. They had the fastest lock time. Hope that helps!

    Richland County, WI
    Posts: 711

    I have been using Timney and Velocity triggers in my AR’s

    Posts: 55

    Theoretically if I were to ever have any, I would have JMT Sabers (James Madison Tactical, Rise Armament RA-140, Elftman Service Trigger 4-7 lb.

    Theoretically I would like them all, the biggest problem would be having several mil spec triggers that still needed to be replaced!

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2841

    Romney, Arnold zjewel, Riflebasix. I’ve put good single stage triggers in my black rifles.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I saw an article about them on “the truth about guns.” They were compared up against several other triggers and they beat them all.

    Jeff, do you have a link to that?

    I really like the CMC triggers. I have a single stage that I believe is 3lb and a dual stage that’s probably 1 and 3? Both are flat style triggers but they also make them in the traditional curved.

    JP makes sweet stuff, plus their local. The prices of their drop-ins are a tough pill to swallow, however…You could almost buy two CMC or POF triggers for the price of 1 JP. They’re nicer but surely not twice as nice, IMO.

    Thanks Mr A Eagle.

    I don’t know much about triggers besides what I’m looking to get away from.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I can’t even find the triggers on the JP site!

    Jeff Gilberg
    Posts: 133

    I have a couple of his older adjustable setups.
    give him a call, he is a great guy ,very knowledgeable.
    not cheap but you get what you pay for.
    they are a Mn company.
    look under rifle parts – fire control –
    he has lots of options.
    jpfc-m modular trigger

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    I can’t even find the triggers on the JP site!

    If you have to ask, you can’t afford it. jester

    Their contained drop-in triggers are $330. Their EZ triggers are $2-240ish.

    Elftmann. They are the only drop-in after market trigger operated on sealed needle bearings.

    Probably because they aren’t needed… coffee

    NW Metro
    Posts: 999

    Chip mccormick was nice. Reliable.

    I usually do my own. Cut the hammer hook off, drop in a set screw and JP springs and it is a pretty nice trigger using factory components.

    RISE triggers have caught my attention lately too.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Probably because they aren’t needed…

    I’m assuming that would mean you’ve tried one? I say that because I’ll thought that I’ve had the best for one reason or another, then found out after trying another’s suggestion, I liked it better.

    Thanks John. Want to do my trigger? LOL! I’m not that handy and don’t want to spend the time. With my luck I would bounce it on something and I’ll have an AD. doah

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Just how many trigger manufacturers are out there anyway!?

    Posts: 756

    Just how many trigger manufacturers are out there anyway!?

    I can think of 10-12 just off the top of my head for AR pattern.

    For under $100, it’s tough to beat the Larue MBT. Especially since Mark now offers single and 2 stage options. I have an MBT in my 16″. In my 11.5″ I’ve got the palmetto EPT and have been messing around with a few brands of “upgraded” springs; not sold on the feel of any one setup yet. Probably throw another MBT into it when I switch from red dot to LPVO this fall.

    If money is no object, Giessele is the standard in which all other AR aftermarket triggers are compared to.

    NW Metro
    Posts: 999

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>tucrs wrote:</div>
    Probably because they aren’t needed…

    I’m assuming that would mean you’ve tried one? I say that because I’ll thought that I’ve had the best for one reason or another, then found out after trying another’s suggestion, I liked it better.

    Thanks John. Want to do my trigger? LOL! I’m not that handy and don’t want to spend the time. With my luck I would bounce it on something and I’ll have an AD. doah

    I have done a few! Cutting the hammer gives you the option to run lighter springs. The best trigger I ever felt was a demo trigger at Bill’s Gun Shop in robbinsdale. It was a offbrand but the trigger was shot by everyone and playing with. It was crazy how light that one was.

    Good trigger the box ones are easy to install. Just pull pins shake and put in new trigger.

    Jeff Gilberg
    Posts: 133

    JP has triggers starting under $100.
    triggers are like fast cars, how fast do you want to go?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Jeff Taylor, your link isn’t working. I’ll see if I can fix it when I get home.

    How fast do I want to go? Since I use the AR once or twice a year, I’m not looking at taking out a loan, but with the creep I have I’m sure it’s impeding the above 200 yard shots on baby prairie dogs.

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    I put a Timney single stage 3# in my Rock River, and it is fantastic. Rock River’s triggers are nice, but don’t begin to compare to my Timney. Wanted a single stage, as thats what I hunt with. Also put an adjustable single stage in my sons build. If I remember right, it was a Riflebasix,but could be wrong on the name, it was apx $250, my Timney was about $225. Really like both of them. There are alot of good drop in triggers out there, and you really don’t need to spend over $200 any more. Velocity had some safety issues early on, but I think they have corrected that now. Really what you need to decide, is do you want a single stage or two stage. I have experience with both and prefer single for hunting, and two stage for serious target shooting, but have no problem using a single stage for both.

    Richland County, WI
    Posts: 711

    I put a Timney single stage 3# in my Rock River, and it is fantastic. Rock River’s triggers are nice, but don’t begin to compare to my Timney. Wanted a single stage, as thats what I hunt with. Also put an adjustable single stage in my sons build. If I remember right, it was a Riflebasix, it was apx $250, my Timney was about $225. Really like both of them. There are alot of good drop in triggers out there, and you really don’t need to spend over $200 any more. Velocity had some safety issues early on, but I think they have corrected that now. Really what you need to decide, is do you want a single stage or two stage. I have experience with both and prefer single for hunting, and two stage for serious target shooting, but have no problem using a single stage for both.

    I doubt anyone using a drop in Timney would notice is someone swapped it with a Velocity trigger. I have a Bushmaster AR in 308 that shoots 3/8 groups at 100 yards and it has a Velocity trigger.

    Just read reviews

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Looks like I deleted your link post by mistake. Never did that before…

    Well here’s the link if anyone is interested.


    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 788

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Brian Klawitter wrote:</div>
    Just how many trigger manufacturers are out there anyway!?

    I can think of 10-12 just off the top of my head for AR pattern.

    For under $100, it’s tough to beat the Larue MBT. Especially since Mark now offers single and 2 stage options. I have an MBT in my 16″. In my 11.5″ I’ve got the palmetto EPT and have been messing around with a few brands of “upgraded” springs; not sold on the feel of any one setup yet. Probably throw another MBT into it when I switch from red dot to LPVO this fall.

    If money is no object, Giessele is the standard in which all other AR aftermarket triggers are compared to.

    Tornado chaser speaks the truth about the Larue MBT being the best value out there. It’s a great trigger IMO and a have them in .556 and 300 Blackout. I also have the Giessele but would not spend 3 X as much again with what I can get in the MBT.

    Central WI
    Posts: 321

    A surprisingly good trigger is the 3.5# unit or the 4.5# NM unit from Rock River. It is a 2-stage unit that has been very clean (the one’s I have installed the past 3-4 years anyway).

    These triggers are a bit stronger on the 2nd stage compared to other 2-stage triggers, but that is my preference.

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