Drive to Trophy Lake Trout

  • Kevin
    Duluth, MN
    Posts: 76

    I’m going north for big lakers next summer. Looking for drive to wilderness options. The guy I’m going with has fished Reindeer lake Saskatchewan a few times. Problem is that’s a really long drive and really long run in the boat. Wondering if anyone has other suggestions that they are willing to share. White Otter is also on the list of options. Neither of us have a boat that I am comfortable using on Nipigon so that’s out.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1309

    Lake athapaskow,clearwater or kississing lake in Manitoba. Long drive but worth it. Only fished athapaskow but heard good things about the other two. 17′ boat 115hp motor never felt we were in any danger from storms and we got caught in a few good ones in the 20 some years of going there. Almost always catch at least one master and most trips 2-4. Depending on time of year will most likely catch a master northern and walleye also on athapaskow.

    Sorry need to edit the never in danger part once in 16′ lund boat scared the heck out of me, wind came up and we were in a bay and did not notice till to late and had to cross the big lake.

    Posts: 6259

    If your afraid of Nipigon I can’t help you. All I can say is I have been using my 16 crestliner fishawk up and down the lake for 20 years

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    Posts: 6259

    August is a great laker month on the pond

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    Duluth, MN
    Posts: 76

    Thanks Tomr!

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6033

    Go up there and ask a few canadians! (kidding they would help you with anything but lakers)

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1309

    Kevin I see you are from Duluth. Two retired teamsters went to Athapapuskow every year Ted and Boomer. Couple of great guys I have their card they made up it was a hoot. If you decide to go reach out and I can try and help. We always stayed at Paradise lodge on little athap, the laker fishing is on the big lake off mckenzie point. Walleye and northerns, pickerel bay on little athap.

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