Dream Fishing Trips

  • acafisherman19
    Posts: 105

    Alright fellas, since the winter doldrums seem to be upon us (me at least), it appears to be time for some dreams of future times. What are your dream fishing trips if they haven’t already happened, and if they have, how were they?

    Personally, I’d love to fly fish for northerns in Alaska, as well as fishing the Rainy River for sturgeon in spring. Or course, the list is still growing. What’s on yours?

    Posts: 3010

    Greenland Shark Challenge

    Eden Prairie
    Posts: 857

    Babine River, British Columbia Canada. Biggest and meanest Steelhead in the world.

    Western and Central, NY
    Posts: 440

    The upcoming fly-in fishing trip to the James Bay lowlands. Fishing for big pike and countless walleyes. Eating walleye 2ce a day, while not seeing another boat. Having a great main lake to fish, but with some portages available to other lakes if we get adventurous. Seeing caribou, moose, etc.

    Posts: 3681

    Back to Black lake Saskatchewan to fish Artic Grayling.Pound for pound the fightingest fish I have ever caught.

    IGH, MN/Holcombe, WI
    Posts: 587

    I would love a fly in trip to a place like Wollaston Lodge. Not in the budget right now though. Alaska has always been an idea too.

    Posts: 214

    I would like to get down to Sanibel – Ft. Myers for the May through June Tarpon Season when it’s in its prime time. I caught the beginning when I was younger and had a blast. I’d like to fish it at least for a week during the peek.

    Also I’d like to get to Europe to Fish Wells catfish one in my life. And to Texas to fish the alligator gar like Jakob did. And I will definitely be taking my boys to Rainy for sturgeon when they are old enough. Mom already gave us the go!

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736

    Babine River, British Columbia Canada. Biggest and meanest Steelhead in the world.

    …X2…The 1st Steelhead I hooked way back when, I had my finger on the line for the feel. When I set the hook the steelie made I lightning run down stream and around the bend, and laid my finder wide open.! From that day on for yrs. I was hooked more than that fish was.!! …rrr

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5717

    Gaspe Peninsula in Quebec for Atlantic Salmon.

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