Looking to mount a pair of Cannon down riggers on my 1850. Has anyone had any success that they would like to share. The problem is in finding enough area without getting in the way of the cleats or the fuel caps.
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Downriggers on WX 1850
July 31, 2017 at 1:52 pm #1707514
I would assume your boat has rails on it?
If so there is a couple options that we have done in the past. You can cut the back half of the rail off and add a trax system which will than cover up the rear hole from the rails. Other option would be to remove the rails completely and replace them with trax’s and use the trax accessories for rod holders and down riggers.
There isn’t much else for room in the back without taking out the cleats or rails unfortunately.July 31, 2017 at 1:57 pm #1707515Thanks Eric! I am thinking about removing the cleats and then using the slide in Trax cleat but am not sure about the bracing needed under the fiberglass. I assume an 1/8″ aluminum strip would be sufficient as a backer.
July 31, 2017 at 2:24 pm #1707522The backer plates they offer is more than enough. Most times a large fender washer on all the bolts is plenty also.
July 31, 2017 at 8:39 pm #1707584Mine’s an 1880. Same boat but older model. 2 – 12″ Trax. One cut down a bit shorter to fit the fuel cap area. I run Cannon Mac 5’s. I installed a 12″ x 3″ x 1/8 thick stainless plate on the underside. No problems whatsoever.
July 31, 2017 at 8:46 pm #1707586Continued: I removed the cleats on both sides and installed the Trax over the cleat holes. I placed (black) rubber adhesive window wrap under the Trax – over the fiberglass cleat holes to make the holes water tight. Cut it to fit so you cant see it under the Trax. It will never leak underneath. That window wrap stuff will never come off either. Good stuff. I also used nylon shims/washers at each bolt, to hold the Trax level, and hold them up off the fiberglass boat fender a little. It works great.
Good luck.
SplitshotMusky EdPosts: 681July 31, 2017 at 8:48 pm #1707587I am just finishing remounting my Trax, and adding an 18″ section to each side on my MX2040. The guys at SBC did a fantastic job on mounting the 3′ section of Trax where, and how I originally asked for it to be done, to include moving the cleat, and cutting the back half, and plugging of the factory rail. After having the boat for a few months, I had a change of mind on the amount of Trax, and location. Ordered more additional Trax rails, Trax riser downrigger brackets, and rod holders. Should be finished tomorrow morning. Trax comes with 1 1/4″ fender washers, and when I remounted, I went with 1 1/2″, not sure that it mattered though. Remounted the cleats in to the Trax adapter plates. Took some doing to make it neat though, as it took 1 1/2 adaptor plates to make it work and look good. They also are position adjustable but did have to drill and tap two holes to make it come out the way I wanted. Will take some pics tomorrow.
August 1, 2017 at 7:47 am #1707640Thanks everyone for all the information! I am going with the Trax and moving the cleats (or getting some Trax cleats). I really appreciate the knowledge you all shared.
August 1, 2017 at 7:48 am #1707641Hi Splitshot. Just noticed you are in Rosemount. I live there as well. Let me know if you ever want to get out fishing for a bit.
Musky EdPosts: 681August 1, 2017 at 9:16 pm #1707791Here is my finished setup. 4 1/2′ of Trax with cleat mounted in Trax and able to be repositioned. Also their rotatable downrigger mount. Also a picture of the Skeeter rail that was shortened by SBC, and really opened up room for additional Trax length.
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