That’s funny, I was going to do that, but my wife so far has put the nix to it. I didn’t mention he also surfs the trash cans for kleenex. We were living with the bathroom trash cans on top of the toilets and when at Menards the other day I stopped by the mouse traps. Where we ended up was, by the fancy trash cans with the foot peddle for pop up lids. $60 worth of trash cans vs $1 for a mouse trap, go figure.
I swear this springer can walk on it’s hind feet like a human.
He’s so much fun, and smart when he wants to be. Also, we live on 40 acres and I could never let our Britt loose as we couldn’t call her back if she saw or smelled something. This Springer will actually stay by us, but did run after some deer a few weeks ago, but did come back after a couple minutes. Really loved our last dog, and really love this one, they are just different in ways.