Lets see the dogs of IDO!

  • Michael Nebelsick
    SE South Dakota
    Posts: 56

    This is Scooter, he is 8 now. MY best friend and goes everywhere with me, even spends the winter in the ice shack with me! Loves to hunt anything and everything. First pheasant guiding trip of the year this weekend for a Youth Hunt in SD.

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    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Thanks for bringing this one back to the top! We lost Floyd 2.5 months ago, now. We’re healing, but I still miss that big goofball. Our three-year old still talks about him frequently. This pic is from our last day with him, and it’s the last happy photo I got.

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    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Floyd! Never met him, but I feel like I knew him, because his master liked to talk about him.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    Floyd looked like a cool dog. I like danes. Real shame they have such short lives usually.

    Michael Saal
    Merrill, Wi
    Posts: 667

    Kamper at 9 months. Taking her to S.D. at the end of Oct. for pheasants.

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    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    My 4 1/2 year old Llewellin Setter. Great in the western fields of ND and she loves to fish!

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    Kurt Turner
    Kasson, MN
    Posts: 582

    Jazz, English Springer, could fish 24/7/365. Loved, loved love being in the boat.

    Went to dog heaven May, ’14. Still not ready to replace her. Putting her down tore a piece of my heart out and never want to go through that again.

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    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Here’s my hunting dogs….

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    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    Kayla is 8 yrs old.
    She doesn’t hunt but likes to go along fishing.

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    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1743

    Survivor “Viv” is our fourth… She hasn’t had the blessing of my full attention and was a mistake in many ways, but she points grouse and woodcock and retrieves ducks, so she is not too bad a dog. Her parents are much smaller than she is and the interesting thing is her siblings are all very full bodied dogs as well. She is also a lover and the kissiest dog I’ve been around in some time….


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    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1099

    Mr Roscoe One-eye. Rescue found on Craigslist. Super sweet dog. Falls somewhere in the pit bull/bull dog family. He’s almost 60 pounds and about a year old so we’re hoping he’s about done growing. First pic is him destroying one of commander honeybunch’s shoes. Next few is him holding down the couch with my youngest.

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    Chris Raymond
    Keweenaw Peninsula, MI
    Posts: 514

    Here’s a pic of Ettie my Gordon Setter. I think she was about one when this picture was taken and will be coming up on four at the beginning of the month. She hasn’t changed much in appearance, still a small 32 pound imp.


    And here is Sami by English Setter, again right around a year old at the time. She’s now a bit larger, 5o pounds, at a bit over two years of age.


    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I love those setters, Chris! Beautiful.

    SW Michigan
    Posts: 694

    Great looking dogs. Maybe next spring I will be ready to get another dog. My pup Shelby has been gone 4 years. She was something special.

    Posts: 410

    My two Field breed English cockers great compromise dog. I get a hunting dog wife gets her lap dog. Female is 22 pounds.

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    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    Fritz is our 1 year 4 month old German Shorthaired Pointer and he’s full of energy!

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    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13919

    Wow, its love your dog day on IDO! Some really nice looking dogs! Keep’m coming

    Posts: 410

    Wow, its love your dog day on IDO! Some really nice looking dogs! Keep’m coming

    hunting is in the air

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13919

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Randy Wieland wrote:</div>
    Wow, its love your dog day on IDO! Some really nice looking dogs! Keep’m coming

    hunting is in the air

    Just shot about 40 rounds from on my deck. I think hunting is at my finger tips lol. Ruger, our lab is bouncing off the walls

    Stan Jenson
    sw wisconsin
    Posts: 178

    The first one is Charlie Brown a three year old English Springer Spaniel. The second is Sierra Rose my thirteen year old Yellow Lab.

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    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    Ranger, now 7 but still has the energy like a 2 year old on my right and Maddie, now 8 or 9 (rescued) on my left.
    Both love to hunt upland.

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    Des Moines, IA
    Posts: 134

    Ruby is my 7 1/2 year old Chocolate lab. The dog was my wife’s idea. When we were dating she mentioned that she would rather have an engagement dog rather than an engagement ring. SOLD! I knew she was the girl for me after that.

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    Posts: 202

    Sadie Evie Merc

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    Posts: 202

    Sadie Merc Evie

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    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    A Dog yes, True Hunting, No, But he sure loves chasing the Squirrels and Rabbits out of our yard. Oh, Ya, He likes confronting the Deer too!

    This is Toby, alias “Snuggle Mutt”

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    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    More of the Snuggle Mutt, Toby

    The FW did not want the photo’s of the Snuggle Mutt Snuggled on her lap posted

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    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    This is Drake. He is 6 months old just this week and is a great pup. He loved the water and I hope he will grow into a good hunting dog – so far the signs are good.

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    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    Here are a couple shots of Max, our English Springer. One the day we picked him up, and one on last year’s Iowa pheasant opener.

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    Zach H
    Posts: 374

    I picked up my new pup this last weekend. She is in the same bloodlines of my other shorthair I lost over a year ago. I was playing around with a pheasant wing on a fishing pole and it appears that she has the same natural instinct. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.

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    eyota, mn
    Posts: 599

    Our Pudel Pointer Destiny Winchester at 7 months and in the water when she was younger. We are heading out west for her 1st opener this weekend!

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Viewing 30 posts - 31 through 60 (of 616 total)

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