Remember when

  • zoomer
    Twin Cities
    Posts: 313

    Remember when we first met…it was at the pound 12 years were the only one not barking…you took mom and I for a walk pulling with all your might….I remember the look on your face when we left you that day…I could not take it and returned the next day to claim you as mine! The kids were so surprised when they got home from school that May Day, as was mom. You are a lab mix, mixed with what I will never know. Our relationship was a little rocky at first…..I will never know what type of horrors you may have experienced in the two years before we met. More than once the misses and I discussed giving up on you as you had a rocky start figuring out where your place in the pack was. You had to Be the family dog as well as the pheasant dog come the fall. Remember when we hid feathers in the back yard and you would find them….remember when we would play fetch and you would retrieve the training dummy….you never were very good at giving it back….remember the training pistol going off as you ate….remember your obedience training star pupil you were not. Remember the first time I set you loose in the field wondering if you

    Would ever come back? Remember the excitement you had every time I came down the stairs with my hunting gear? I have so many fond memories of the short 12 years that we have had together. Remember the time you caught the rabbit in the back yard…not only did you catch it you brought it in the house and dropped it at my feet..only to allow me to see that your fur was crawling with fleas! Remember all the hunts we shared? How bout the time I dropped the rooster 40yards out in the swamp..we were knee deep in cat tails and looked for30minutes only to find a few feathers…I was ready to give up…you disappeared and returned with the bird in your mouth with the “is this what you are looking for stupid” look on your face. You only retrieved when you had too and I did not mind. You learned to go after each bird with a slow methodical method….you usually figured it out and occasionally would surprise me with a point as you did on the last rooster you sent to the sky…..I shoot myself for not capturing it on film but knowing our time was short I did not want to screw it up for you. Remember when you would get on strong scent and your tail would thump on my leg as I waited in anticipation for the flush…that by far was the best.I know you will never forgive me for introducing you to the new pup Stella a couple of years ago. You two made a great team you found them and she retrieved them. It is now Stella’s turn to carry on your legacy. It came on suddenly…you stopped eating and are barely able to get up on your own. You have not wagged your tail in days….the time has come for us to say goodbye….you planned it so the older kids had the opportunity to come to the house to see you for 1 last time…..I have some comfort in knowing that sometime tonight you will be licking the hand of my grandfather…waiting for the sun to rise in the east so you can chase roosters once again. Grandpa had many many bird dogs in the past and he will be truly impressed at your abilities…..god speed Chelsea….my memories of you will last a lifetime!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Great read!

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    That was great. Thanks for sharing. Sorry for your loss.

    Pete Bauer
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2599

    What a great tribute.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    Nicely Done!!! RIP Chelsea…


    Twin Cities
    Posts: 313

    Stella Remember when you used to chase roosters with Chelsea? Remember when I picked you up at the rescue shelter, princess was your middle name. You got to cut your teeth in the field with a dog that had a great nose ( Chelsea) You were a retrieving machine, man did you two make a great pair. Over the years you developed into a fine partner for both the field as well as the home. Not a mean bone in your body. It is now patches turn to step up and follow in your footsteps. Remember all of the time we spent in the field. You were so happy to be hunting and finding birds. We shared a bond together that I will never forget. You provided so much joy in my life! This morning was not easy but do know I made the right decision today. You were in pain and had trouble getting up. You are now in a better place. Stella you are now reunited with Chelsea. You are now the one that is licking my grandfathers hand and begging him to grab his gun and take you to the pheasant swamps. Stella you can now show Chelsea all that you learned during your short time on earth. I got you when you were two and we just wrapped up our 12th hunting season together. You were able to get on birds two weeks ago (preserve) and do me proud. There is an empty spot in my heart. I will think of you fondly once the grief wears off. Rest In Peace my friend, It was my honor to spend your life with you! In the next few days I will search for pictures and videos of you, believe me there will be a lot of “remember when” discussions! I love you girl!

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    Awesome read. Brings back fond memories of my hounds!!

    Mookie Blaylock
    Wright County, MN
    Posts: 469

    Having a couple garage beers with my 2 bird dogs while reading through your tributes.
    I’ll be sure to open another for Stella and Chelsea.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 313

    Thanks Glenn and Mookie,

    1. 911F177D-E61F-449D-BD72-E5285073AF6B.jpeg

    Posts: 2872

    RIP STELLA give CHELSEA a Kiss from dad.
    Sorry for your loss zoomer,nice tribute to your pups.
    I now have to wipe the tears from my eyes.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4389

    Sorry for your loss zoomer. Excellent tribute to your special friend.

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