Porcupine question

  • chris-tuckner
    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Congrats to Jack Dunn and Wally Luoma for taking first in the MTT on Mille Lacs!

    Congrats to Bobber and Mike Gangle for taking 5th!

    I heard a rumor Josh and Midget placed 16th???? Great year guys!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Well deserved win! Congrats.


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22891

    Kinda funny, Jack was telling me saturday night at the weigh in, how Wally had no problem sporting a slip bobber in them waves Something he said he would never do… Congrats to all you guys

    big G

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317


    Kinda funny, Jack was telling me saturday night at the weigh in, how Wally had no problem sporting a slip bobber in them waves Something he said he would never do… Congrats to all you guys

    big G

    G, does Kooty know that Wally was stepping out on him and fished with Jack?

    Posts: 13

    josh and chris better come home with that new boat this weekend….i got money on them two

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100



    Kinda funny, Jack was telling me saturday night at the weigh in, how Wally had no problem sporting a slip bobber in them waves Something he said he would never do… Congrats to all you guys

    big G

    G, does Kooty know that Wally was stepping out on him and fished with Jack?

    I can’t believe he went slumming with a Yarcraft guy. Wally is dead to me.

    Good luck Josh/Chris & Bobber/Mike!!

    St. Michael
    Posts: 139

    So I was in North Dakota this weekend hunting and my dog got into a Porcupine. He had about 50 quills in his mouth. It wouldn’t have been so bad, except after the first hit, I didn’t notice the quills in his face and sent him in again. OOPS. I took him to a vet and it only cost $104.00 to get him taken care of, but I was curious as to what most guys do. Do you pull the quills out yourself or do most take the dog to a vet?

    From now on I am going to carry a pliers or forceps. The guys who do pull em out yourself, any do’s and don’ts to the process.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’ve been super lucky never getting into one. Poor pup, I can’ only imagine. How was the rest of the trip?

    St. Michael
    Posts: 139

    It was slow, but we were able to pound a limit out each day until we headed to the southeast part of the state. You can cross SE NODAK off the map for the next two years. I mean hardly even a hen around. I think we got three roosters the day we hunted SE.

    Someone should give the HUNS some steroids, too hard to hit those little SOB’s.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I wish we could get the Hungarians established around back home. They are a fun bird to hunt. We had a lot as a kid, but it’s pretty rare to see them now days.

    Plymouth MN.
    Posts: 1031

    Unfortuantly I have had this happen a few times. $104 is not bad at all. First time I paid a vet in N.D. $35 I was happy. the second time I pulled them out myself. They were just on the muzzle and not in the mouth like last time.
    You need to make sure you get them all and the ones you pull out make sure it all comes out and didnt break off. The quil can worm its way around the dog and fester and get infected which will be way more than the $104. So for me if they are tough to get, like inside of the mouth I take them in. If there are only a few quils easy to get to and the dog is manageable I take them out myself. Just make sure the hole quil comes out.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18967

    I pulled them out myself when it happened to my dog. A few months later she developed a complication that we think was caused by a quill or fox tail seed that migrated through her body. Those seeds and quills can do some wierd things once they get in the body including kill your dog. The U of M bill to save her life from a puncutured lung was crazy expensive. Having said that I would now pull them myself if it wasnt too bad then follow up with vet visit.

    Delano, MN
    Posts: 36

    Well Fish I am gonna take a shot in the dark here that you have a pointer. Am I right? exactly. Pretty dumb question. Us owners of flushing dogs train our dogs to only flush roosters. It’s called trash breaking but hey you never know procupine hunting may catch on in the coming years and you will have a stud of a huntin partner haha jk buddy shoulda taken a picture. I am gonna go take a look at the archery forums now to see if i can find any funny stories about buck fever and “malfunctions” with the bow. You know what i mean

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