Deer Ticks…….Arrrrg.

  • timmy
    Posts: 1960

    The area I hunt a lot in is absolutely swarming with deer ticks. I take the precautions of spraying my clothes down with permanone – and using Frontline on my brit. Even with these precautions, I still bring quite a few ticks home from each trip. What other treatments do any of you recommend to keep the dog as tick free as possible. The wife hates the issue – and I don’t want the dog to be an outside/garage dog all hunting season, as she is a house dog the rest of the year.


    Posts: 372

    How about the Gamehide Elimitick Tick clothing. i bet you could rig it up for your dog

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19027

    I’m pulling the blood filled ones off now from my dog being in the woods last weekend. Frontline. Yea, right….

    On a positive note my first deer tick bite seems to have resulted in no dire consequences. Healing nicely. No rings. No effect. Just a bad bug bite. I totaloy refrained from itching this one and tearing it up. I think that’s why it’s healing fast. We’ll see.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    I know this sounds like a broken record, but last spring I went from having 10 – 20 ticks on me to not a single one. I bought my Gamehide Elimitick and I won’t be going in the woods without it from now on. Give me a call if you want to discuss it.

    Now if we could get them to make something for the pups.

    St. Michael
    Posts: 139

    Last week I pulled fifteen off my dog but I didn’t find one on me although it felt like they were crawling all over. I hadn’t put any frontline on him since mid summer as the problem seemed to be gone. I only noticed the deer ticks when we were in the woods. In fields they were non-existent. Anyone know of a product to keep them off the dogs? It sounds like Frontline doesn’t work for Deer Ticks. You guys noticed the same thing of deer ticks in the woods only?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19027

    Not to beat a dead horse but I have come to live with the fact that wood ticks are a part of my life. Last week was the first time I got a deer tick. They are scary small!!!
    I couldnt even see any features on it. When they say size of pencil head or moving freckle, they mean it!! These things could be impossible to detect before they dig in. It quickly becomes apparent when they do. Man do they pack a wallop although if things keep going like they are I would have to say the wood tick bites are nastier and longer healing.

    Posts: 100

    My uncle swears by the powder Seven. He sprinkles it on his dog, said it works good.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    Where do find powder 7???


    St Germain, WI
    Posts: 208

    Mark, He is talking about the seven’s dust for plants and shrubs. You can it at ace, menards, etc.

    Most recently I have been using the Ultra stop carpenter ant/termite killer. It is a concentrate of 10% permethrin. Dilute down to spray on dogs and my clothes. A $15 a quart. I have no problem with giving 12 dogs a weekly/ or daily shot of it. I spray my pants legs with it or Bronco horse spray which is a weaker permethrin based product.

    Nothing lasts for 30 days. I don’t care what the label says. Well at least if your dogs spend anytime in the field!!

    Still getting deer ticks here!!! Pulling them off me nightly!

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    I bought some fly spray for horses (and pets) mainly because both of my dogs are vitually hairless on the underside and they get bit like crazy from what we call “no-seeums” or tiny black nats that cause a ton of nasty blood rings. Meanwhile, since using this spray I have noticed only 1 deer tick on my dog all summer and none on the other. I live in Blaine, MN and it is common in that area to find well over 100 deer ticks a year on the dogs as it is extremely populated with deer ticks. I am almost positive it is this fly spray that has been working so well. I just spray it on before walks and we are off. It doesnt smell horrible either as they ar eboth house dogs. I will see if I can find it and the ingredients.

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535


    I bought some fly spray for horses (and pets) mainly because both of my dogs are vitually hairless on the underside and they get bit like crazy from what we call “no-seeums” or tiny black nats that cause a ton of nasty blood rings. Meanwhile, since using this spray I have noticed only 1 deer tick on my dog all summer and none on the other. I live in Blaine, MN and it is common in that area to find well over 100 deer ticks a year on the dogs as it is extremely populated with deer ticks. I am almost positive it is this fly spray that has been working so well. I just spray it on before walks and we are off. It doesnt smell horrible either as they ar eboth house dogs. I will see if I can find it and the ingredients.

    Here it is…

    St Germain, WI
    Posts: 208

    I use the same thing in addition to the spot on’s. Most of the time I use Bronco which also has citronella in it . SO the dogs smell pretty. Also use the Bronco on myself.

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    I am using a product called CedarCide, a spray on treatment. So far it is working way better than relying on frontline.

    St Germain, WI
    Posts: 208

    Still getting ticks as of 11-12!!! Mostly all deer ticks now! ALso mostly on me!! Got more itchy spot ans bit marks from ticks than I care to count!!!

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    What we are seeing today may slow ’em down, gotta be getting close to the end. I wish I could post more, but the store has taken off so gotta keep working. More later!!! So far for the fall 7 pulled and hopefully not counting any more. Just went in to get treated for Lyme though, just started feeling too achey. Feeling lots better with half the medication taken!!!


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