Zander – our 5.5 year old yellow pulls up limp Monday, won’t put any weight on his left rear leg/paw. Examined at my vet yesterday is leaning to blown ACL but she couldn’t confirm as he was too tense to let her manipulate the leg. Going in for sedation/x-rays tomorrow and will know the verdict around 5. Vet says this injury is becomming very common with the lab breed unfortunatley and then rattled off a statistic that there’s a 50% chance the other will have an issue (usually soon after the initial)…
My question is what options are available nowdays? I did a TPLO surgery on my previous yellow, Payton, in the spring of ’03 and the recovery was quite long – during which we found out he had cancer… My vet referenced another acronym surgery (TTA or something like that) that is more the gold standard now and shorter recovery. What have others done and would you recommend one over the other.
Zaner is pretty active – fair amout of walks, fetching, swimming 3 seasons of the year and wresling with Chesney (yellow lab step-brother) weighs 87 pounds and is about 5# over ideal so he’s a tall dog.
What have others done and would you recommend one over the other.
Out on the web reading about options right now.