
  • KirtH
    Posts: 4062

    Well not sure how bad it is,Molly and me were on the lake yesterday for a walk and I was using the tennis ball chucker, she was running for the ball and slid in the snow when she went to pick it up, well her back leg got caught up in a shallow rut, and twisted it or something, she came back limping, her lower portion of her leg above foot joint is swollen, nothing appears to be broken, I can move everything, and put light pressure as go up her leg without and obvious pain, but she wont put any pressure on it. Gave her some asperin for pain and comfort.

    Any opinions

    Sucks seeing her in pain she went all hunting season with no injuries and out playing

    Posts: 4062

    Yah I think Monday I am going to call the Vet Monday

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Good Rule RR!

    Posts: 4062

    Well bad news went to the vet, xray showed that she tore the ligements in the I guess the elbow joint, first one up from the paw joint, and some bone in the joint were dislocated, so she is one pain meds and in a cast not a happy dog and the same with me , it can be fixed, it will have to be a surgury, and a plate to put it back together, the orthopedic surgoen will see more when he goes in. They said she should be close to 100%, 6 weeks to heal. We are going to be overun with squirrels

    So word of caution, this happened while on a walk on the lake, we were doing the chucker, she runs 120% when she runs, she slide to get the ball and hooked her back leg on a chunk of snow, be careful with your pooch on the snow.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Sorry to hear the bad news. However, I guess it could have been much worse. I’m glad to hear that you took her in and that she will be 100% again. Thanks for sharing – it may help prevent this from happening to another dog.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Sorry to hear it!

    Wishin’ a speedy recovery for her!

    Posts: 4062

    Poor Molly, she is not doing well, she may have a infection of some sort not sure yet, brought her in today because the area she had surgery had alot of discharge, dam vet said wait and bring her in next/this week to change the dressing, BS we took it off last night not good, and put on fresh dressing, we go back Tueday to see how it is doing, god willing it is simple infection not in the bone, she is getting major drugs now to fight the infection.

    I miss my spunky girl, and her obsasion with a tennis ball, she is sitting next me on the couch with her head on my lap.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    C’mon Molly pull through girl!

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    I wish Molly a speedy recovery too!

    Posts: 4062

    Well it has been a little worrisome lately, it is amazing what a dog can do onthere own, I had put a cone on her to prevent her from getting at her splint, the first day was with a cone she got that off, the nest day put her collor inside the cone, got that off, so we had a walking harness that went around her chest behind her front legs and around her neck, so I attached her cone to that, no way is it coming off, I pulled on it, this is good, because when left alone she has torn her splint off , well got home she is no were to found, found her no cone or harness , how she did that with 3 legs?

    Anywat we went to the vet, good news and bad, no bone infection no fever, but she does have nasty skin bacteria, but they make drugs for that, so the vet said she can go without a splint, and lotsa meds and no licking. When all said and done should be close to 100%

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Glad to hear that she will be back to her normal self again!

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