Dog Paws?

  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I wished that you would have discussed location

    Actually I think we did. In some detail. But maybe this is the best thing about IDO. If you need some follow-up after a show, we’re here!

    So, allow me to elaborate further…

    Sharing a specific depth to look for would have been horribly misleading. And if my memory serves me we caught fish on weeds, rocks, sand and timber. So providing a “look for “X” type of structure really wouldn’t get to the heart of the pattern.

    I don’t think we fished deeper than 8 feet most of the day. We didn’t discuss type of structure much because structure type in and of itself was inconsequential. Our primary goal was to find deeper water relative to the surrounding area of river being fished. Once deeper water was found then we further refined the area by looking for a suitable current break providing protection from the current near that deeper water.

    If we found deeper water, relative to the surroundings, without a suitable area where the fish could hold out of the current, we didn’t find fish. If we found a current break in shallow water, again, the fish were absent.

    I know guys would love to hear about a magic combination of rock and sand or some specific “structure type” to look for… but that just is not the key to this pattern. This pattern is all about fishing a river and letting the river dictate where the fish will find suitable habitat at that time of year.

    A key point to reiterate is “deeper” is relative. In some areas we could boat for MILES and have a hard time finding water deeper than 3 – 4 feet. In those stretches 6 foot of water was “deep.” Find an obstruction of any kind (rock, wood, sand, etc.) providing sufficient shelter associated with that deeper water and we were into fish.

    The interesting thing was once we got out on the water and start hitting these areas it became all too apparent how quickly we could eliminate unproductive water. Deep water is typically located in outside turns in the river where current is the strongest and most concentrated and most outside turns offer little in terms of shelter from the current. Find one that does and you’re in business.

    The area around most islands won’t provide much if any depth on the upper miss in the fall as the island are typically comprised of sand with deeper water at the head of the island and strong current and a slowly tapering tail off the island with little to no depth. Find the few that still do provide shelter from the current AND some added depth… and again, you’re in business.

    I hope that clarifies things.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 92

    We hunted some really thick, nasty stuff this weekend and I noticed that the dogs paws were rubbed raw in some spots, on the pads, and the webbing between the toes. Has anyone tried the dog boots before, or any other tricks to protect the paws.

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    I did try dog boots for my younger lab but they didn’t work for her. She never did get used to them and would work on them until she got them off. You may have better results.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18971

    My dogs feet get tender. After a hard day she practically tip-toes. You have to keep an eye on it and sometimes limit their hunting if on a multi-day hunt but they do heal fast.
    I have never tried the boots.

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    Some of the guys I hunted with used the boots but never got through a season without losing them. Something you could try is called mushers secret. You can use it on the pads and between the toes. It is like a wax.

    made for the snow but I know guys that use it all hunting season.

    Posts: 217

    I use them on my golden not too often but I’ve never lost one. The reson I got them for her is when the snow is crusty it was realy hard on her paws. When I put them on I think I’m going 2 cut off her cirulation but that is the way they has 2 be.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 92

    Thanks for the replies, I ordered some muscher’s secert so I will give that a shot and see how it works.

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