Is the forage minnow a spoon?
If so, they two have different actions.
If you can get both.
I’m a big beliver in changing out jigs and using fresh bait until I find what works.
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Is the forage minnow a spoon?
If so, they two have different actions.
If you can get both.
I’m a big beliver in changing out jigs and using fresh bait until I find what works.
The answer may also depend on where you are fishing and what your target species is – tell us more and we can share more with you. Chuckles
The answer may also depend on where you are fishing and what your target species is – tell us more and we can share more with you. Chuckles
Actually Forage Minnow is a line of products made by Northland. They make a couple jigs and at least one spoon under that Forage Minnow product line. So it might not be a bad idea to narrow down which forage minnow product you were considering.
I’d go with the Go Devils!!!!
Available at site sponsors at left.
BfishN Tackle
Custom Jigs & Spins (also check out the Lightning Spoon)
The Go Devils catch fish and are considerably less $$.
thanks for the feedback so far. I am not sure if I can post this link or not, so I will describe, the forage minnow purchase would be a kit, including ice jigs (4 horizontal & 4 vertical) and 4 spoons. I would be using these to target panfish, perch, and possibly walleye
thanks for the feedback so far. I am not sure if I can post this link or not, so I will describe, the forage minnow purchase would be a kit, including ice jigs (4 horizontal & 4 vertical) and 4 spoons. I would be using these to target panfish, perch, and possibly walleye
The forage kit is going to give you more options than the jigging raps. IF I had to chose one or the other I would get the kit.
thanks James, also wanted to say love watching the shows on the weekends! Great job and great addition to a awesome site
thanks James, also wanted to say love watching the shows on the weekends! Great job and great addition to a awesome site
I’m happy to hear you like the shows. Be sure to tell your friends to tune in as well. We have 2 more ice shows and then we start open water shows!
I say the forage minnow hands down over the jigging rap. I’ve given the raps a fair shake over the years, just hasn’t produced well for me.
The Forage Minnow spoons on the the other hand, GREAT results…someone mentiond the golden perch, also one of my favorites. I have lots of the devils as well, for me, the forage minnow outproduces them all, day in, day out… there are days the others produce well also though.
I believe SnoSuit has a special here on In-Depth Outdoors that drops the price down quite a bit. I will search for it and let you know!
I did this same thing back in November / December and choose the new guy on the block, Artic Armor. The wife bought for a X-mas and B-day present so I didn’t worry about the price. It’s 299.99 for bibs and jacket.
I have worn it out on the ice twice and been warm as could be with minimal clothes on underneith. The best thing about it is if you ever go through the ice, it floats!
uhmmmm…good question but I use both for walleye and saugar fishing and they both work great….so it’s not much difference they both catch the fish. When I’m fishing them though ill normally cap them off with a head of a shinner or minnow!!!
I am a HUGE fan of the Forage Minnow’s
I use them more for all panfish species and do very well using them.
But, if I am specifically targeting eyes and on the river, I rely on the Jiggin Raps solely. The reason being is due to the water current. The Forage Minnow’s don’t have the size or the weight to keep them vertical while fishing near the dam in the winter. The Jiggin Raps are heavier and have a bigger profile and are better suited for eyes and saugers. On a lake situation, that will not be quite as true due to little or no current and the Forage Minnow will work just fine for walleye. From my limited experience on Mille Lac, the Forage Minnow can and will catch walleye, but with no current you will be able to present your spoon in a vertical presentation.
So, basically, get a few of each and you will have them to use depending on the situation you are faced with at the time
I am a HUGE fan of the Forage Minnow’s
I knew that Wats you old forage minnow guy. You’re the one who turned me on to them and now they’re one of my favorites.
My Lab Rufus couldn’t take this cold weather any longer. He finally had to hunt something down. Yesterday he recorded his 4th or 5th Wood Chuck Harvest. He got close to him the other week but the Chuck dove into a wood pile. Yesterday Stacie let Rufus out and Rufus trapped the Wood Chuck agianst the house and after a few second Scuffle Rufus had his Trophy.
The Ol’ Boy still has it!
Bring Rufus over to my Sales Center, I got a family of 5 or 6 running around here.
Pics as requested.
I like the smug look he gives. Like Yeah no big deal I do this stuff all day long.
He’s sitting there looking like….
Another day… another dead wood chuck…
He looks like he has done it for years Rob! Looks so proud of his trophy harvest!!
Thanks for the pics, they made me laugh. I can see the next forum. Animals that our animals have killed.
He’s sitting there looking like….
Another day… another dead wood chuck…
I though the same thing Brad
He looks like he has done it for years Rob! Looks so proud of his trophy harvest!!
He has. He has single handedly decreased the wood chuck and squirrel population in my yard. If there is a squirrel on the ground in my yard the “General” knows it and demands to be let out, so he can chase it down. I live in a development that has oak trees all over so there are quite a few squirrels. Even in the car driving through he is on watch and goes crazy when he sees one on the ground. With him pushing 10 years old he is not quite as driven as he once was, but the squirrels know once that deck door opens they better be running to get up a tree.
Can I bring my pup over so she can roll on it? If it’s dead she will find it.
Good kill!
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