This is one of the most heated debate topics that come up out there. Some people do not believe in papers at all. As they say only good for TP at best.
For the most part this can be true. Having them though gives you valuable info. They help to track what is out there. Good traits can be enhanced, and poor ones can be avoided. generations down the road you have lost what you once had. It is easy to go back and find them again. Certain problems that affect each breed can be weeded out quickly when you know what you are looking for.
The thought process of breeding one good dog to another good dog makes a better dog does always work. It is done alot, and does produce many culls. For some breeds like the hounds culls are a common practice. Not so when it comes to labs though. Most of the time the traits that make a good dog are coming from a few generations back. Mostly the grandparents. So breding good to good, can end up real bad.
As for selling the pups. In the midwest a dog without papers is hard to move. In the southern and western states mix bred hunting dogs still fetch a high dollar. Especially for the hound hunters out west. Rarely is preserving the top blodlines in any breed about making money. The pride that comes from enhancing a breed is more important to these purists. It’s very easy to dillute a very good bloodline.
In alot of the breeds good info about breeding for the best is hard to come by. When it comes to some strians of hounds this is discussed very openly. Especially in one of the lesser known breeds the Plott hound. A lot of information can be found out there if you are willing to put in the time.
I know some of you will find this offensive. it was not intended to be. Still this is a hot topic for some.
I believe proper breeding is important. There are already to many mutts out there. This leads to health problems, and full shelters.
Hope this helps you a little, and doe not make too many mad at me.