311- I will first address your issues with my posts.
First- You are right!!! The ingriedients now say the the 2nd ingriedient is ground yellow corn. Guess what, this is all new. they recently changed the formula, and tried to sneak it in!!! First they changed the bags. Then on my last load I noticed they have changed the label. I have tried to contact the owner, with no results as of yet. Trust me I am aggraated to say the least about it. Will be changing my food source very shortly as a result.
Second- as to the meat and bone meal vs the label of chicken. If you do some research on the whole subject you will find some neat things, and may even go holistic! A feed only needs to state a source no matter the amount. That is why you will see alot of labels that say made with —– that is so they do have to have a certian percent of the product in them according to the gov. In genral with labels when saying meat as an ingriedent theyare referring to beef. As per the rules by the gov they need to state the source ie, meat/beef, pork, or poultry.
The amount of hours I have spent on the research of the rules, and the ingriedents is amazing to even me. I want my dogs to have the best I can give them. This does not always mean the most expensive. All dogs respond differntly. So when feedign multiple dogs this becomes harder in finding balance. I know if I am feeding 3 cups a day to a dog that is dropping 2 piles a day, and staying skinny there is a problem. Now I feed 3 cups a day with just one pile and the dogs get fat, now i got something. Which do you think the dogs are getting more out of!
As to yur reply to Don’s post-
Well It does have some merit. Perhaps his dog being in better shape during the hunting season is using the food more efficently and maintianing a proper weight. Along with the energy stores for a hard days hunt day in and out. With the type of hunting I do it cannot be done. Still I am not running bird dogs. My dogs look like canine body builders all muscled up, and lean. That comes from the demands of running hard in the bear woods. I have to increase my feed even more during winter whne running yotes, and cats. The cold alone draws more out of them in keeping warm in the kennel at 20 below. Then to have to run hard for hours in the could is demanding. Not much unlike a sled dog. Very few if any bird dogs have these demands. So if what he is doing with his dog works for the style of hunting he does it should be looked at by those who hunt in that way.
You are seeing 2 very differnt styles of hunting and the demands they put on a dog. This also puts demands on the dogs body which requires differnt nutrients. As a easy example let’s take football. A quarterback eats much differnt than a lineman. In that realm the QB is a more dainty eater. The lineman, well let’s just say they are the ones more likely to get banned from a all you can eat buffet restraunt. Both are great athletes, still the demands, and needs of their bodies are much differnt.
Come August or Jan, you feed your bird dog like I do my hounds you will have one fat dog, while mine can barley stay warm or hold the weight. Differnt strokes ya know.
The whole premis for my post was to help others in finding a good feed for less. What happened was a even better education for all. What stinks is the feed companies keep changing things while I am even typing. Since the first of the year I have seen changes form Purina,Pizazz,UKC,Diamond,and now HiStandard. Makes it hard to keep up with. Especially when you are buying 1 ton a month.
Take it for what it is worth, and Please if you find something I do not know tell me. I am always looking for the better product for my dogs!!!! Well at least if the cost is lower than feeding raw beef!!!
Ohh, and please excuse any typos!! The secratary is on vacation.