New pup this summer….

  • timmy
    Posts: 1960

    My lab is getting old – and I think her serious hunts are a thing of the past. She still gives it 100%, but pays the price from Arthritis after even a 1-2 hour hunt….it sure sucks watching your pal get old!

    I think I have the better half convinced that a new pup is a great idea this summer…..and now that I seldom, if ever, waterfowl hunt, I am leaning hard towards a pointing breed. I have the breeds narrowed down to an Eng Setter(my pick), GSP, or Brittany…… Whatever breed, it’ll be a female that hunts 90% grouse with the occasional pheasant trip thrown in. Since the Eng Setter is the classic grouse dog, that is my pick….

    Let’s hear some opinions……


    P.S. Did I mention that it sucks watching a good dog wear out? Flat out sucks .

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    P.S. Did I mention that it sucks watching a good dog wear out? Flat out sucks

    I’m starting to feel your pain buddy! I know its coming soon. I was happy how he handled last year, but he’ll be 9 in September. Man I love that DOG.

    Posts: 1960

    Rip – It only gets worse. I remember a SD hunt where we hunted very hard for 4 days – at the end of the hunt, my girl was still out there hunting…..not wide open, mind you…..but still hunting none the less. One evening this past season, after a 3 hour grouse hunt, I had to help her stand and walk a few steps so she could go outside to pee. If I stopped helping before a few steps – her legs would buckle and she’d go down. Her heart is still like a pup, but the wheels are falling off the bus. That darned arthritis is a [censored].

    I think a squirmy setter pup may make me feel better .


    Posts: 57

    I understand what your saying. Our puppy (who is mind you almost 11 1/2 years old) is the same way.I keep telling the Husband not to take him pheasant hunting anymore, because I know there is a possiblity that he may not come home. We are looking into getting a pointing lab. We have a yellow lab right now. And he is so AWESOME!!! The best puppy I’ve ever had. But, anyways, a pointing lab is our next puppy.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Not looking forward to it!

    A new pup will definitely help ease the pain. I’m just not sure if I want one now or wait until my best bud is gone??? I can guarantee no other dog will mean as much to me, or replace Rufus, but I don’t expect them too. Rufus was one heck of a dog, that has been by my side through quite a lot in my life.

    I absolutely dread that day when it comes and know it is closer and closer each and every year.

    Good luck Timmy on finding another Great PUP!

    South metro
    Posts: 194

    I know this is an old post. I would look at a gsp. I’ve been really researching the breed. I want one to replace my Wirehair that was cheated out of several hunting seasons due to a tick born illness. The short hair is great grouse dog, and ducks too.

    Hampton, MN
    Posts: 165

    Houdini Kennels out of Lonsdale has some Lewellin pups on the ground right now.

    The Lewellin is a line bred English Setter that is bred and billed as the easy to work with “Foot Hunters” english setter.

    They also own a game farm and offer a discount on game farm memberships as well as host Thursday and Saturday training sessions.

    Call Greg Fryar @ 612-840-8013 to talk with him or visit:

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