I would do it if I had the time
. There aint nothin better. I always enjoyed training, being able to see all the hard work pay off is awsome 
Give don hanson a buzz, he does an excellent job at a fair price. I beleive he has trained a few dogs from the site that would recomend him too.
As far as how long the dog will be gone. There are a lot of variations. How “trained” do you want the dog? What are your expectations? How fast the dog can learn?? some just learn faster than others. Are we talking pointer or flusher?? Again to many variations to say on how long. On a guess I would say you could get a decent dog for 3 months training if you did some basic obidence. it also varries on the trainer too some are more thuro than others.
Again give don a shout he’ll set you up real nice