How about talking to your neighbors. Are they decent people?? What I Am trying to say is can you get good information off them. I have neighbors that would call the cops if the dog barks once. They will also tell my neighbor who will actually talk to me “his dogs are barking too much” so it will get back to me with out them actually talking to me. So is the dog actually barking and if so how much and how often? They could be the type of neighbor that just likes to complain????
I am running out of ideas. unless you could get another type of collar (differnt brand or model) to see if it has a little more zing.
When we had dogs that were in a kennel outside and they would bark we would take a plastic bat one of those thats about 6″ in dia. and rap it on the fence. It makes a good noise and looks intimidating. It seemed to work, i havent tried that in many years as all our dogs are inside now.
On a side note a dog barking is a good thing, I have a couple of neighbors that actually like it during normal hours. It keeps the rabits and such out of there gardens and keeps a presence of a watch dog in the neighborhood. I have a few neighbors that have told me that face to face when I was tring to keep them quieter. you could explain it to the neighbors that way maybe it would work