I’m convinced after this weekend that Top Dog Power Stix are the real deal. Last year I talked to some guys who used them and they said they could definitley see a change. I was pretty skeptical, but I picked some up this year and have been using them with my dog Jazzi. This weekend I hunted hard for 4 days and the results of the Power Stix was very noticable. Jazzi is a timid dog by nature and the last dog to ever be leading the pack. By day 3 and 4 the dogs were starting to drop out after the first couple hours. At noon each day we took a long break and I gave Jazzi a power stick. Both afternoons she led the charge. Sure the other dogs got some energy when we shot a bird, but Jazzi hunted the whole time bird or no bird. I gave some to my buddy’s dog and he noticed a difference too. The Top Dog Power Stix are going to be packed right next to the shells on all my future hunts.
Top Dog Power Stix
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