lymes Question

  • pahaarstad
    Posts: 712

    I took my dog in to the vet on Monday to have his eye checked. He had got a seed in it while training this weekend. The eye will be ok. I also had them test for hartworm and lymes and give him the last vac shots. They told me the the hartworm cameback – but Lymes came back + He has had no signes of it. We did put him on some Med for it. Has any had to deal with lymes before if so any help would be graet. I just hope he kepts showing no sighs of it. It to close to rooster shooting time for him to be laied up.

    Bob Schultz
    Posts: 774

    I had lymes myself two summers ago. Never did see the tick. Had a rash develop on my stomach to start with. I was tired and achy, with flu like symptoms and then the rash started to spread, so I went to the doc and it came back as lymes. I took antibiotics twice a day for 30 days and all is well, but I will always test positive for it now. I would assume they can give a dog something similar and it won’t be a serious problem. Good luck with your pal.

    Bob Schultz
    Posts: 774

    I had lymes myself two summers ago. Never did see the tick. Had a rash develop on my stomach to start with. I was tired and achy, with flu like symptoms and then the rash started to spread, so I went to the doc and it came back as lymes. I took antibiotics twice a day for 30 days and all is well, but I will always test positive for it now. I would assume they can give a dog something similar and it won’t be a serious problem. Good luck with your pal.

    Posts: 395

    I don’t have any experience with Lyme’s Desease in animals, but unfortunately, I’m learning alot about it in people. My oldest son was bitten this Spring while turkey hunting. In july, he got really sick with severe headaches. His Lyme’s test came back positive. He took an antibiotic for two weeks and felt better. A month later, his symptoms returned. He took another two weeks of antibiotics with the same result. Last week, he got his symptoms back. The Doctor’s think its in his spinal cord fluid. He’s getting a Spinal Tap done today to confirm this. If positive, he’ll be on IV antibiotics for two weeks straight. I never realized Lyme’s could be so serious.

    Posts: 395

    I don’t have any experience with Lyme’s Desease in animals, but unfortunately, I’m learning alot about it in people. My oldest son was bitten this Spring while turkey hunting. In july, he got really sick with severe headaches. His Lyme’s test came back positive. He took an antibiotic for two weeks and felt better. A month later, his symptoms returned. He took another two weeks of antibiotics with the same result. Last week, he got his symptoms back. The Doctor’s think its in his spinal cord fluid. He’s getting a Spinal Tap done today to confirm this. If positive, he’ll be on IV antibiotics for two weeks straight. I never realized Lyme’s could be so serious.

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    The meds should take care of it. My only expierience is with dogs who’s syptoms were so bad they couldn’t move. The meds got them back on their feet so you should be ok.

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    The meds should take care of it. My only expierience is with dogs who’s syptoms were so bad they couldn’t move. The meds got them back on their feet so you should be ok.

    Posts: 712

    I hope the spinal tap comes back – for your son and all will go well for him. They got my dog on antibotices pills for 30 days.

    Posts: 712

    I hope the spinal tap comes back – for your son and all will go well for him. They got my dog on antibotices pills for 30 days.

    Lake St. Croix Beach, MN
    Posts: 23

    There shouldn’t be a problem with your pet
    My experience is not with animals but with humans…I am a medical assistant and there are a lot of people who came in with very mild sxs if any and were great after 2 weeks of treatment…Some people did need longer treatments and even a couple rounds…But since your dog didn’t seeem to have any sxs, he should be okay
    He will always test positive for lyme’s…But the #’s will be a low positive…

    As for PowerFred, my thoughts are with you and your son

    Lake St. Croix Beach, MN
    Posts: 23

    There shouldn’t be a problem with your pet
    My experience is not with animals but with humans…I am a medical assistant and there are a lot of people who came in with very mild sxs if any and were great after 2 weeks of treatment…Some people did need longer treatments and even a couple rounds…But since your dog didn’t seeem to have any sxs, he should be okay
    He will always test positive for lyme’s…But the #’s will be a low positive…

    As for PowerFred, my thoughts are with you and your son

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    My pooch had full nblown Limes this spring. Like Don talked about, she couldn’t move. It took roughlt 5 days before she was back on her feet and causing trouble. (Medicine is a wonderful thing.)

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    My pooch had full nblown Limes this spring. Like Don talked about, she couldn’t move. It took roughlt 5 days before she was back on her feet and causing trouble. (Medicine is a wonderful thing.)

    Posts: 712

    Did the med’s make him sleepy or anything. After I gave my dog his med yesterday he just laid around. I do not know if it was from the med’s or being at the vet all day with out having his normal nap in the middle of the day.

    Posts: 712

    Did the med’s make him sleepy or anything. After I gave my dog his med yesterday he just laid around. I do not know if it was from the med’s or being at the vet all day with out having his normal nap in the middle of the day.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2851

    I am glad you caught it early in your dog. I lost my GSP, Ripley to Lymes and he was vaccinated. Iowa State University and the vaccine manufacturer in Fort Dodge, IA both were given blood samples from which to study his case. He had recurrent Lymes. I hope that his blood helped to develope a better vaccine. Bird hunting is not the same for me anymore. Beings that you caught this prior to your dog exhibiting any signs or symptoms he should make a full and quick recovery.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2851

    I am glad you caught it early in your dog. I lost my GSP, Ripley to Lymes and he was vaccinated. Iowa State University and the vaccine manufacturer in Fort Dodge, IA both were given blood samples from which to study his case. He had recurrent Lymes. I hope that his blood helped to develope a better vaccine. Bird hunting is not the same for me anymore. Beings that you caught this prior to your dog exhibiting any signs or symptoms he should make a full and quick recovery.

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101


    Did the med’s make him sleepy or anything. After I gave my dog his med yesterday he just laid around. I do not know if it was from the med’s or being at the vet all day with out having his normal nap in the middle of the day.

    The med made my dog sleepy and Sick. After a few days she became savy and figured out the pills were making her stomach upset. Try to keep food in him so there is somthing to keep the stomach settled. We used unsalted chicken broth or cheese to get her to eat. (Small portions multiple times a day.) You may also need to keep an eye on her after the pills are given. My dog had a nack for spitting the pills out no matter what we put around them.

    Keep at it and the pooch will be fine. Glad you caught it early. I don’t wish what we went threw on anyone.

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101


    Did the med’s make him sleepy or anything. After I gave my dog his med yesterday he just laid around. I do not know if it was from the med’s or being at the vet all day with out having his normal nap in the middle of the day.

    The med made my dog sleepy and Sick. After a few days she became savy and figured out the pills were making her stomach upset. Try to keep food in him so there is somthing to keep the stomach settled. We used unsalted chicken broth or cheese to get her to eat. (Small portions multiple times a day.) You may also need to keep an eye on her after the pills are given. My dog had a nack for spitting the pills out no matter what we put around them.

    Keep at it and the pooch will be fine. Glad you caught it early. I don’t wish what we went threw on anyone.

    Isle, mn.
    Posts: 145

    My Chessie tested positive for lymes last March, at a routine vet visit. Never exibited any signs of being sick, must have caught it early enough. Was on meds and seems fine. Was told he will always test positive from now on. If I didnt know he had it, I would never guess he had it. Good Luck. Walleyebry

    Isle, mn.
    Posts: 145

    My Chessie tested positive for lymes last March, at a routine vet visit. Never exibited any signs of being sick, must have caught it early enough. Was on meds and seems fine. Was told he will always test positive from now on. If I didnt know he had it, I would never guess he had it. Good Luck. Walleyebry

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