Ok, the time is nearing when we bump up training- do more bird and field work.
Since the training is now going to be more than walk, lets be ready. One important item that is often overlooked is a first aid kit. One kit, can be used for both human and pet. I usually get the medium priced kit and add a few extras. A few things I add to the kit are- tweezers, eyewash, vetwraps, icepack, towel, pedoilyte, baby food(meat).
Inside the cover of the kit, I will put my information such as address and phone#. Along with the dogs name, updated records, contact and vet number. I am sure there are a few things I could add. What else do you carry?
Oops, almost forgot this one- copenhagen for insect stings.

Posts: 2073
July 5, 2007 at 9:04 pm