Whinning/barking dog

  • wallster
    Austin, MN
    Posts: 806

    I have a 4 month old male lab that whines, yelps and barks while in his kennel. Hes in the kennel at night, durning the day while i’m at work. When I put him in the kennel at night he whines for a couple minutes then falls asleep then come 5am he starts whinning and I get up let him out side to do his thing then put him back in there and he just goes nuts. I realize hes a pup. But I am building a kennel outside for him and I dont want him outside barking and waking up the nieghborhood. Is there anyway I can break him for the whinning and barking? Thanks
    Wallster ><((((>

    predator2 jr
    Posts: 448

    he probably wants to play if i remember right our dog used to do that to but as he got older he stopped

    predator2 jr
    Posts: 448

    he probably wants to play if i remember right our dog used to do that to but as he got older he stopped

    Posts: 12

    Somehow I convinced my family not to pay attention to the dog whining or barking while she was in the kennel because the dog is looking for the attention and will continue to whine and bark if it gets attention at that time. We had our pup in the kitchen (high trffic area) but no one was allowed to let her out at those times. I remember it broke our hearts sometimes, but she got over it. Now she is 2 and she will go in her kennel by herself if she thinks we are going away or if she wants to get away from the kids.

    Posts: 12

    Somehow I convinced my family not to pay attention to the dog whining or barking while she was in the kennel because the dog is looking for the attention and will continue to whine and bark if it gets attention at that time. We had our pup in the kitchen (high trffic area) but no one was allowed to let her out at those times. I remember it broke our hearts sometimes, but she got over it. Now she is 2 and she will go in her kennel by herself if she thinks we are going away or if she wants to get away from the kids.

    Pepin county Wi
    Posts: 312

    I had the same problem with my yellow lab. I bought a new kennel at Menards for $300.00 and the pup couldn’t stand being in it. Barked and wined all the time. Now my riding lawn mower has a new Kennel . Never barks or askes for food or water.

    Pepin county Wi
    Posts: 312

    I had the same problem with my yellow lab. I bought a new kennel at Menards for $300.00 and the pup couldn’t stand being in it. Barked and wined all the time. Now my riding lawn mower has a new Kennel . Never barks or askes for food or water.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    I agree on the ignoring tactic to solve the crate problem. For barking in the outdoor kennel I used a Tritronics bark collar. It worked perfectly. Just remember to ALWAYS put the collar on the dog every time it goes out … that way it won’t figure out that it can bark when it isn’t wearing the collar. The Tritronics model has a bark counter on it. When you haven’t had a bark for a week or two, you can take the collar off and if your dog is anything like mine, the problem will be solved.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    I agree on the ignoring tactic to solve the crate problem. For barking in the outdoor kennel I used a Tritronics bark collar. It worked perfectly. Just remember to ALWAYS put the collar on the dog every time it goes out … that way it won’t figure out that it can bark when it isn’t wearing the collar. The Tritronics model has a bark counter on it. When you haven’t had a bark for a week or two, you can take the collar off and if your dog is anything like mine, the problem will be solved.

    Hampton, MN
    Posts: 165

    Very often the dog which whines and barks in the kennel will be the same dog which whines and barks in the duck blind if the behavior is not corrected.

    Bark collars can help – but you need to correct the behavior. Watch the video on how to use a Figure 8, then put one one the dog when the the undesired behavior is occuring. Take it off after the dog submits by laying down and chilling out.

    It works.


    Hampton, MN
    Posts: 165

    Very often the dog which whines and barks in the kennel will be the same dog which whines and barks in the duck blind if the behavior is not corrected.

    Bark collars can help – but you need to correct the behavior. Watch the video on how to use a Figure 8, then put one one the dog when the the undesired behavior is occuring. Take it off after the dog submits by laying down and chilling out.

    It works.


    Austin, MN
    Posts: 806

    Thanks for all the info. I hope it helps

    Wallster ><((((>

    Austin, MN
    Posts: 806

    Thanks for all the info. I hope it helps

    Wallster ><((((>

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