My dog eats his poop. Be happy with the 90%
That’s funny! It reminds me of a trip a few years ago…I had a guy along with me that didn’t know alot about dogs or hunting for that matter. As were going through the field one of my dogs stops to eat some deer sh#@. The guy notices…a few moments later were walking, chatting, he asks what breed dogs are they…I replied “Pure bred floppy ear sh#@ eaters”. He says, “ohh, nice dogs”. A few seconds pass and he gives me the confused look and catches on, I let him know they’re GSP’s. 
If I catch my dogs doing something dumb I try to correct it right away, most everything has been worked on with them but sometimes they do forget. But, we never did work on the “stop eating sh$#” command.
I’ve worked hard on my dogs to get them where I want them, they do make mistakes though. And when it comes to training, so have I. Some of their “mistakes” I’ve come to the conclusion are purely nature driven and have been tough to fix. Still working on them though. They’re always a work in progress.
In the field I’ll let mistakes slide, what am I gonna do, stop hunting and go through a training session? No, we’re gonna keep hunting. Most of my dogs field mistakes are the first day of season, they’re charged up, go, go, go. They may bump a edgy bird or get a little out of range that first morning. After that they settle in to their zone. From then on I have a smile EAR TO EAR! At home, the mistakes don’t slide, I’ll work on it right away. If for only a few minutes.