Do you accept 90%- be honest

  • Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    I was asked a good question the other day. Thought I would see what IDA dog owners think. heres the question- my dog obeys my commands 90% of the time. How much concern should I have about the 10% when he doesn’t? Should this be corrected right away or worked out over time? Come on now, be honest. Do your let your dog slide once in awhile?

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    YEP! And when I do it I know it’s wrong.

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    YEP! And when I do it I know it’s wrong.

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    With my dog and I…I think she obeys my commands WHILE IN THE FIELD 90% of the time or more. Now around the yard or in the house I would be happy with 90% of the time. She likes to bark at dogs walking by and often times will not listen when told “NO”. Or when someone comes over and I tell her to “Lay” she has a hard time not being the center of attention..Shes 8yrs old and a very good hunter but around the house where we are more often then in the field she has her moments. So I guess after 8yrs I would have liked it corrected right away but it turned in to “over time”.

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    With my dog and I…I think she obeys my commands WHILE IN THE FIELD 90% of the time or more. Now around the yard or in the house I would be happy with 90% of the time. She likes to bark at dogs walking by and often times will not listen when told “NO”. Or when someone comes over and I tell her to “Lay” she has a hard time not being the center of attention..Shes 8yrs old and a very good hunter but around the house where we are more often then in the field she has her moments. So I guess after 8yrs I would have liked it corrected right away but it turned in to “over time”.

    Anoka, MN
    Posts: 216

    I am happy with 90% and I think my wife would be happy if I did 90%.

    Anoka, MN
    Posts: 216

    I am happy with 90% and I think my wife would be happy if I did 90%.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    You guys must not be taking enough walks with your dogs and being the calm, assertive pack leader you should be.

    My dog eats his poop. Be happy with the 90%

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    You guys must not be taking enough walks with your dogs and being the calm, assertive pack leader you should be.

    My dog eats his poop. Be happy with the 90%

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    I’m with Pug! 90% would be thrilling.


    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    I’m with Pug! 90% would be thrilling.


    Posts: 1957


    My dog eats his poop. Be happy with the 90%

    That’s funny! It reminds me of a trip a few years ago…I had a guy along with me that didn’t know alot about dogs or hunting for that matter. As were going through the field one of my dogs stops to eat some deer sh#@. The guy notices…a few moments later were walking, chatting, he asks what breed dogs are they…I replied “Pure bred floppy ear sh#@ eaters”. He says, “ohh, nice dogs”. A few seconds pass and he gives me the confused look and catches on, I let him know they’re GSP’s.

    If I catch my dogs doing something dumb I try to correct it right away, most everything has been worked on with them but sometimes they do forget. But, we never did work on the “stop eating sh$#” command.

    I’ve worked hard on my dogs to get them where I want them, they do make mistakes though. And when it comes to training, so have I. Some of their “mistakes” I’ve come to the conclusion are purely nature driven and have been tough to fix. Still working on them though. They’re always a work in progress.

    In the field I’ll let mistakes slide, what am I gonna do, stop hunting and go through a training session? No, we’re gonna keep hunting. Most of my dogs field mistakes are the first day of season, they’re charged up, go, go, go. They may bump a edgy bird or get a little out of range that first morning. After that they settle in to their zone. From then on I have a smile EAR TO EAR! At home, the mistakes don’t slide, I’ll work on it right away. If for only a few minutes.


    Posts: 1957


    My dog eats his poop. Be happy with the 90%

    That’s funny! It reminds me of a trip a few years ago…I had a guy along with me that didn’t know alot about dogs or hunting for that matter. As were going through the field one of my dogs stops to eat some deer sh#@. The guy notices…a few moments later were walking, chatting, he asks what breed dogs are they…I replied “Pure bred floppy ear sh#@ eaters”. He says, “ohh, nice dogs”. A few seconds pass and he gives me the confused look and catches on, I let him know they’re GSP’s.

    If I catch my dogs doing something dumb I try to correct it right away, most everything has been worked on with them but sometimes they do forget. But, we never did work on the “stop eating sh$#” command.

    I’ve worked hard on my dogs to get them where I want them, they do make mistakes though. And when it comes to training, so have I. Some of their “mistakes” I’ve come to the conclusion are purely nature driven and have been tough to fix. Still working on them though. They’re always a work in progress.

    In the field I’ll let mistakes slide, what am I gonna do, stop hunting and go through a training session? No, we’re gonna keep hunting. Most of my dogs field mistakes are the first day of season, they’re charged up, go, go, go. They may bump a edgy bird or get a little out of range that first morning. After that they settle in to their zone. From then on I have a smile EAR TO EAR! At home, the mistakes don’t slide, I’ll work on it right away. If for only a few minutes.


    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    Interesting points about in the field. Yep, somethings you just have to let slide when hunting, especially when it is do to the dog being charged up. I probably let a few things slide around the house. Mostly do to the fact that he will do something he shouln’t but is so damn funny doing it that I am laughing to hard to correct!

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    Interesting points about in the field. Yep, somethings you just have to let slide when hunting, especially when it is do to the dog being charged up. I probably let a few things slide around the house. Mostly do to the fact that he will do something he shouln’t but is so damn funny doing it that I am laughing to hard to correct!

    Plymouth MN.
    Posts: 1031

    I would probally say 70% at all times. I would say if you are thinking 100% all the time hunting or at home you either have a robot or really dont pay much attention. I have seen a few dogs that are purty close to the 100%, I think I would go nuts. There personality is gone they just sit there stairing into space. Sure they hunt well obey every command as if there life depended on it but is that really your best friend???? I need more from my dog, I spend alot of time with her and I want the pesonality to come out its what makes them special.I have been real happy with the % that my dog gives towards the good. Shes not perfect nor am I. On the real “bad” habits I acept nothing less than 100% such as digging in the garbage or growling at the kids when they are eating the obvious things but barking at the neighbor or maybe getting a little far out some times all things I can work around.
    My 2 cents

    Plymouth MN.
    Posts: 1031

    I would probally say 70% at all times. I would say if you are thinking 100% all the time hunting or at home you either have a robot or really dont pay much attention. I have seen a few dogs that are purty close to the 100%, I think I would go nuts. There personality is gone they just sit there stairing into space. Sure they hunt well obey every command as if there life depended on it but is that really your best friend???? I need more from my dog, I spend alot of time with her and I want the pesonality to come out its what makes them special.I have been real happy with the % that my dog gives towards the good. Shes not perfect nor am I. On the real “bad” habits I acept nothing less than 100% such as digging in the garbage or growling at the kids when they are eating the obvious things but barking at the neighbor or maybe getting a little far out some times all things I can work around.
    My 2 cents

    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1099

    My dog is homosexual and eats poop.

    I’d be thrilled with 90%

    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1099

    My dog is homosexual and eats poop.

    I’d be thrilled with 90%

    Western Wisconsin
    Posts: 89

    90% is good. We are always trying to get to that goal of 100%. That is why we work our dogs towards that, we never seem to get there, but all in all it’s a goal. In hunting (vs. testing/training) our “rules” relax a bit and it is easier to obtain that 100%.
    In retrospect our dogs expect at least 40% out of me and I try hard to stay within 15% of that. One of the greatest attributes a dog has is that they forgive you.

    Western Wisconsin
    Posts: 89

    90% is good. We are always trying to get to that goal of 100%. That is why we work our dogs towards that, we never seem to get there, but all in all it’s a goal. In hunting (vs. testing/training) our “rules” relax a bit and it is easier to obtain that 100%.
    In retrospect our dogs expect at least 40% out of me and I try hard to stay within 15% of that. One of the greatest attributes a dog has is that they forgive you.

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    You guys are cracking me up!

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    You guys are cracking me up!

    Dodge Center, MN/Alma,WI
    Posts: 302

    I guess I look at it this way, I’m no where near 100% myself. When it comes to consistency, training skills and training ability, I can only expect my dogs to be at par with me. So no my dogs aren’t 100% nor will they ever be because I will never be that great of a trainer and be that consistent. I’m very please with where they are at and I use every day to continually improve put it’s a slow process because I’m slow at doing it and I’m okay with that.

    Dodge Center, MN/Alma,WI
    Posts: 302

    I guess I look at it this way, I’m no where near 100% myself. When it comes to consistency, training skills and training ability, I can only expect my dogs to be at par with me. So no my dogs aren’t 100% nor will they ever be because I will never be that great of a trainer and be that consistent. I’m very please with where they are at and I use every day to continually improve put it’s a slow process because I’m slow at doing it and I’m okay with that.

    Posts: 712

    My dog does not eat poop, growl at kids or run off. He does like to chew on shoes, get up on the table, and chase the cat when we are not watching him. I the field he is preaty good. I’m not 100%(with him and life) so why should think he has to be. We just kept training and learning one day at a time (the both of us)

    Posts: 712

    My dog does not eat poop, growl at kids or run off. He does like to chew on shoes, get up on the table, and chase the cat when we are not watching him. I the field he is preaty good. I’m not 100%(with him and life) so why should think he has to be. We just kept training and learning one day at a time (the both of us)

    Anoka county
    Posts: 302

    He seems to know the difference between the field and the house. He listens much better in the field 90% (I wish), but he is still young. I do however try to correct it every time while in the field or training. In the house he gets away with a lot and I let him for some unknown reason. I catch myself letting him jump in bed with me when my wife is gone.

    Man, im a softy

    Anoka county
    Posts: 302

    He seems to know the difference between the field and the house. He listens much better in the field 90% (I wish), but he is still young. I do however try to correct it every time while in the field or training. In the house he gets away with a lot and I let him for some unknown reason. I catch myself letting him jump in bed with me when my wife is gone.

    Man, im a softy

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    I think we let them get away with things around the house as a reward system. Heck, keeping a little bit of puppy in them keeps us entertained.

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