The joys of owning dogs…the wheelbarrow won

  • birddog
    Posts: 1957

    Last night my dog ran full bore into my wheelbarrow, not looking where she was going as the neighbor dog distracted her. The wheelbarrow won that battle! 5 staples over her right eye and 2 more in the middle. There was some sinus damage over the eye and undermining in the center gash. I hope that sinus damage doesn’t effect her sniffer. MAN those Emergency vets are expensive!!

    She was in pretty rough shape last night as she had to get drugged for the work but of course back to her normal rammy self this morning.


    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    THAT’S GOTTA HURT!!!!!!!

    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    THAT’S GOTTA HURT!!!!!!!

    Kieler, Wis
    Posts: 664

    my black lab a few years back was eager to get out of the kennel. i let him out and bent down to pet him when he reared up and bam!!!!head to head contact,i was knocked out for a bit ,he was goofy for a that hurt! lesson learned- give them a few minutes to cool chocolate lab,dude,try to get in the back of my dads truck with the tailgate up.the truck won and we laughed for ten you gota love them dumbass dogs

    Kieler, Wis
    Posts: 664

    my black lab a few years back was eager to get out of the kennel. i let him out and bent down to pet him when he reared up and bam!!!!head to head contact,i was knocked out for a bit ,he was goofy for a that hurt! lesson learned- give them a few minutes to cool chocolate lab,dude,try to get in the back of my dads truck with the tailgate up.the truck won and we laughed for ten you gota love them dumbass dogs

    Western Wisconsin
    Posts: 89



    MAN those Emergency vets are expensive!!

    That brings back memories from a hunting season a few years ago. Our female had an extremely tough run of luck. On her first trip to SD she took 9 stitches to her chest, on the second trip she took 6 staples to her flank, in ND and northern WI she took out two porcupines, in Kansas she cut her foot and ran a stick up her nose. Not a lucky season for her. Oh, she took out a skunk the day before our ND trip also.

    The memory that sticks with me the most was the first trip to SD that year. We were headed to the Miller area and decided to hunt WPA’s on the way. On our first stop she had a run in with a barbed wire fence and lost. It was about 1:30 on a Saturday afternoon. We headed back to Clark, SD looking for a vet. Of course on a Saturday afternoon they were all closed. We stopped at a local gas station to inquire about where we could contact a vet. The lady said that she would just call “Larry” and he would maybe come down to see if we would need medical assistance. I was a little unsure if “Larry” would be of any service as we really needed a vet. Well about 20 minutes later, in pulled Larry. He had been out on one of his farms working with some cattle but came in to see what he could do. Well it turned out that Larry was one of the local vets but was in the process of retiring to an easier job, farming.

    He thought that we would need stitches so he had us follow him to his office on the west end of town. My mind was racing on what this was going to cost! He unlocked, turned on the lights and had us follow him to the examining room. There he proceeded to clean up the wound. He gave her a shot of novocain, irrigated it, cleaned it and then put in 9 stitches with a coat of super glue over the top. I meanwhile was not only concerned about the dog and the hunt, but also of my pocketbook.

    After he was done I put her back in the truck and returned to pay the bill. Larry was scratching figures at the desk and I asked him if he took credit cards? “Nope, only cash or checks”. “Oh man” I thought, I’m screwed now! When he handed me the bill for coming in on a Saturday afternoon and all the time and work I about tipped over!!! It was a grand total of $42. I know that around here it would have been 10 times or more. I don’t know if Larry ever knew on what a positive impact he had on my hunt.

    Western Wisconsin
    Posts: 89



    MAN those Emergency vets are expensive!!

    That brings back memories from a hunting season a few years ago. Our female had an extremely tough run of luck. On her first trip to SD she took 9 stitches to her chest, on the second trip she took 6 staples to her flank, in ND and northern WI she took out two porcupines, in Kansas she cut her foot and ran a stick up her nose. Not a lucky season for her. Oh, she took out a skunk the day before our ND trip also.

    The memory that sticks with me the most was the first trip to SD that year. We were headed to the Miller area and decided to hunt WPA’s on the way. On our first stop she had a run in with a barbed wire fence and lost. It was about 1:30 on a Saturday afternoon. We headed back to Clark, SD looking for a vet. Of course on a Saturday afternoon they were all closed. We stopped at a local gas station to inquire about where we could contact a vet. The lady said that she would just call “Larry” and he would maybe come down to see if we would need medical assistance. I was a little unsure if “Larry” would be of any service as we really needed a vet. Well about 20 minutes later, in pulled Larry. He had been out on one of his farms working with some cattle but came in to see what he could do. Well it turned out that Larry was one of the local vets but was in the process of retiring to an easier job, farming.

    He thought that we would need stitches so he had us follow him to his office on the west end of town. My mind was racing on what this was going to cost! He unlocked, turned on the lights and had us follow him to the examining room. There he proceeded to clean up the wound. He gave her a shot of novocain, irrigated it, cleaned it and then put in 9 stitches with a coat of super glue over the top. I meanwhile was not only concerned about the dog and the hunt, but also of my pocketbook.

    After he was done I put her back in the truck and returned to pay the bill. Larry was scratching figures at the desk and I asked him if he took credit cards? “Nope, only cash or checks”. “Oh man” I thought, I’m screwed now! When he handed me the bill for coming in on a Saturday afternoon and all the time and work I about tipped over!!! It was a grand total of $42. I know that around here it would have been 10 times or more. I don’t know if Larry ever knew on what a positive impact he had on my hunt.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374


    I hopwshe is ok Bird Dog.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374


    I hopwshe is ok Bird Dog.

    Posts: 712

    I hope the dog will be ok. That had to hurt the pocket book too.

    Posts: 712

    I hope the dog will be ok. That had to hurt the pocket book too.

    Hampton, MN
    Posts: 165

    Well, not that it will make you feel better – but Easter morning but my buddy’s horse reared up and fell straight back on my buddy’s wife.

    In the panic the horse beat itself against the ground ’cause could not get back up.

    Now the horse is headed to the glue factory and she has a bruised tail bone.

    And if you think a dog vet is expensive…. Just talk to a horse vet…

    That’s why I ride a four wheeler – Honda never bucks me off.

    Unless I am really loopy….

    Sorry to hear about you pup though…

    Hampton, MN
    Posts: 165

    Well, not that it will make you feel better – but Easter morning but my buddy’s horse reared up and fell straight back on my buddy’s wife.

    In the panic the horse beat itself against the ground ’cause could not get back up.

    Now the horse is headed to the glue factory and she has a bruised tail bone.

    And if you think a dog vet is expensive…. Just talk to a horse vet…

    That’s why I ride a four wheeler – Honda never bucks me off.

    Unless I am really loopy….

    Sorry to hear about you pup though…

    Posts: 1957

    She’s back to her normal self, the boss. My only worry at this point is the sinus damage, she had a light watery bloody nose for a day and a half. Doc said it was normal with sinus damage and it “shouldn’t” effect her sniffer. Man she hit that wheelbarrow hard!!

    Thanks for the well wishes, never like to see our buddies in pain!

    Czech, your stories sound familiar, I’ve been pretty lucky on hunts, just skunks, a few sticks in the eye’s and a few run ins with barb wire…EMT gel is a great product to carry in the field, it seals up the cuts really well. There’s been a few times barb wire cuts were border line stitchable, the EMT gel sealed them right up.


    Posts: 1957

    She’s back to her normal self, the boss. My only worry at this point is the sinus damage, she had a light watery bloody nose for a day and a half. Doc said it was normal with sinus damage and it “shouldn’t” effect her sniffer. Man she hit that wheelbarrow hard!!

    Thanks for the well wishes, never like to see our buddies in pain!

    Czech, your stories sound familiar, I’ve been pretty lucky on hunts, just skunks, a few sticks in the eye’s and a few run ins with barb wire…EMT gel is a great product to carry in the field, it seals up the cuts really well. There’s been a few times barb wire cuts were border line stitchable, the EMT gel sealed them right up.


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