Anyone here keep dogs outside in this weather?

  • hgeren
    NE Minneapolis
    Posts: 126

    I’m sure some do and from what I hear they are alright with some shelter etc. Reason I ask is my neighbor keeps his scraggly a$$ mutt outside all year in his yard. Its got some pretty long fur so its probably not to bad off. Its just out there howling and whining and driving me nuts today. Surprised its not frozen solid yet. Anyone know how long/if they can make it in this cold or when cold is just too cold??

    My dog seems to like it just fine, but he only goes out for an hour or so at a time or until hes satisfied that hes chased all the squirrels out of a hollow in one of our trees.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    I’d call the cops or somebody on your neighbor. It qualifies as cruel and unusual treatment of a pet. People are idiots. His punishment should be to spend a few hours out in the weather with no coat on.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    I’d call the cops or somebody on your neighbor. It qualifies as cruel and unusual treatment of a pet. People are idiots. His punishment should be to spend a few hours out in the weather with no coat on.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    I would call also unless the animal has a nice doghouse to crawl into. If not the owner

    Shoreview, Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1024

    We had a neighbor that did the same thing. They had a golden retriever that they left outside all the time. About 3 years ago we had a really cold snap and the dog looked just meserable. My wife made me call animal control and report the situation. I did and they were out immediately and took the dog from the owner. He was charged with animal cruelty because the dog really had no shelter other than a deck he could go under. I wouldn’t even think of leaving my lab out for extended periods of time in this weather. Depending on your relationship with your neighbor, I would talk to him first. If that gets you nowhere, get animal control or your local police involved. You will be doing that animal a huge favor.


    Shoreview, Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1024

    We had a neighbor that did the same thing. They had a golden retriever that they left outside all the time. About 3 years ago we had a really cold snap and the dog looked just meserable. My wife made me call animal control and report the situation. I did and they were out immediately and took the dog from the owner. He was charged with animal cruelty because the dog really had no shelter other than a deck he could go under. I wouldn’t even think of leaving my lab out for extended periods of time in this weather. Depending on your relationship with your neighbor, I would talk to him first. If that gets you nowhere, get animal control or your local police involved. You will be doing that animal a huge favor.


    Posts: 208

    dog houses are great, if “used correctly” ( out of the wind , somewhat sheltered , insulated , etc.) Ive seen dogs froze solid in makeshift setups. Do it right , or dont do it at all. ( bring the dogs in when it gets like this outside!)

    Posts: 208

    dog houses are great, if “used correctly” ( out of the wind , somewhat sheltered , insulated , etc.) Ive seen dogs froze solid in makeshift setups. Do it right , or dont do it at all. ( bring the dogs in when it gets like this outside!)

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Wow, A lot of opinions here…

    I have a dog outside. He is a husky/chow/shepard mix. He has been an outdoor dog for as long as we have had him and more. Cruel and unsual punishment for this dog would be to let him in the house. The last few years, when we have had cold snaps, we have let him in (around -10 degrees)… After 10 minutes, the dog is miserably hot. He can’t stand it and begs to be let out again. Be careful who you judge. We have a large doghouse for him… basically, a hole cut in the side of the garage, boxed in under the workbench. There is a doggy flap on the door to prevent much more than a small draft. A false floor (plywood on top of 2×4’s to keep him off the cement) coated with a minimum of a bale of straw across the 3’x 8′ house. Now, neighbors looking at the dog would have no idea what kind of insulation we have in there. I, personally, would ask the neighbor what kind of setup they have… and state my concern with them in a “neighborly” fashion first. If the setup isn’t what you believe to be “good enough”, then I would call on them.

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Wow, A lot of opinions here…

    I have a dog outside. He is a husky/chow/shepard mix. He has been an outdoor dog for as long as we have had him and more. Cruel and unsual punishment for this dog would be to let him in the house. The last few years, when we have had cold snaps, we have let him in (around -10 degrees)… After 10 minutes, the dog is miserably hot. He can’t stand it and begs to be let out again. Be careful who you judge. We have a large doghouse for him… basically, a hole cut in the side of the garage, boxed in under the workbench. There is a doggy flap on the door to prevent much more than a small draft. A false floor (plywood on top of 2×4’s to keep him off the cement) coated with a minimum of a bale of straw across the 3’x 8′ house. Now, neighbors looking at the dog would have no idea what kind of insulation we have in there. I, personally, would ask the neighbor what kind of setup they have… and state my concern with them in a “neighborly” fashion first. If the setup isn’t what you believe to be “good enough”, then I would call on them.

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    I have 2 neighbors that keep their dogs outside. One is a cop who should know better although he does provide the dog with a small shelter and he has a tarp wrapped around 2 sides of the kennel fence. His dog is a female black lab. He leaves her out 24/7.

    My new next door neighbor has a older yellow lab that is also out in an unprotected kennel. It is the nicest dog although he cries and howls when it gets this cold. The kennel does have one side up against the garage and there is a small (sized for a small dog) plastic dog house but he is too-big to fit in the house. They do occasionally take him into the garage at night when they remember. I just wish they would clean out his kennel. When it warms up above freezing the neighborhood is going to stink. They don’t even shovel the snow out of his kennel.

    I would never own a larger dog if I lived in the city because big dogs need lots of space. Some people should not be allowed to own dogs.


    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    I have 2 neighbors that keep their dogs outside. One is a cop who should know better although he does provide the dog with a small shelter and he has a tarp wrapped around 2 sides of the kennel fence. His dog is a female black lab. He leaves her out 24/7.

    My new next door neighbor has a older yellow lab that is also out in an unprotected kennel. It is the nicest dog although he cries and howls when it gets this cold. The kennel does have one side up against the garage and there is a small (sized for a small dog) plastic dog house but he is too-big to fit in the house. They do occasionally take him into the garage at night when they remember. I just wish they would clean out his kennel. When it warms up above freezing the neighborhood is going to stink. They don’t even shovel the snow out of his kennel.

    I would never own a larger dog if I lived in the city because big dogs need lots of space. Some people should not be allowed to own dogs.


    Savage, MN
    Posts: 80

    I’m kinda in between on this one. I have a lab that has been outside from day 1 as well. He has a nice insulated house I built, set up in a “U”shape so he can lay down and look out or go through a small entry into the protected room. I heat the protected area with a regular heating pad I covered with thin metal grating. He never complains and loves his time out in the backyard. However, I would NEVER leave him out in the backyard on a chain or without any shelter in this kind of weather! It would infuriate my to see an animal being treated as such. I would say something politely to the neighbor but I wouldn’t let it go. The next few days could cause much suffering. Just my 2 cents….


    Savage, MN
    Posts: 80

    I’m kinda in between on this one. I have a lab that has been outside from day 1 as well. He has a nice insulated house I built, set up in a “U”shape so he can lay down and look out or go through a small entry into the protected room. I heat the protected area with a regular heating pad I covered with thin metal grating. He never complains and loves his time out in the backyard. However, I would NEVER leave him out in the backyard on a chain or without any shelter in this kind of weather! It would infuriate my to see an animal being treated as such. I would say something politely to the neighbor but I wouldn’t let it go. The next few days could cause much suffering. Just my 2 cents….


    Chisago City, MN
    Posts: 79

    My dog is usually kept outside, but when the weather gets this cold I’ll bring her in. With the length of the projected cold snap I might be ending up with an indoor dog.

    Chisago City, MN
    Posts: 79

    My dog is usually kept outside, but when the weather gets this cold I’ll bring her in. With the length of the projected cold snap I might be ending up with an indoor dog.

    Crosby MN
    Posts: 613

    It’s the law must have shelter and Drinkable WATER dogs need lots of water in winter also. MY 2 have it easy in house and access to heat garage when at work!!

    Crosby MN
    Posts: 613

    It’s the law must have shelter and Drinkable WATER dogs need lots of water in winter also. MY 2 have it easy in house and access to heat garage when at work!!

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    My wife talked to our vet about this recently. He said that with a good, insulated shelter a lab should be just fine as long as it stays dry and can get out of the wind.
    They do need lots of water in the cold weather and they burn up as much as 30 percent more calories in the cold weather too.
    So, according to a vet, lots of fresh food and water, keep an eye on them and the dogs should be fine.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    My wife talked to our vet about this recently. He said that with a good, insulated shelter a lab should be just fine as long as it stays dry and can get out of the wind.
    They do need lots of water in the cold weather and they burn up as much as 30 percent more calories in the cold weather too.
    So, according to a vet, lots of fresh food and water, keep an eye on them and the dogs should be fine.

    Sartell, MN
    Posts: 317

    I think that anybody who leaves there dog outside should have a nice insulated dog house for fido! Dogs are like part of the family, why make them suffer in this extreme cold. If your neighbor doesn’t have a dog house or fairly warm shelter for this dog he should have his/her kicked! I would ask and if the neighbor doesn’t have a shelter and doesn’t immediately do anything to remedy the situation with his dog, then call the police or animal control. I’m sure they will give your neighbor a !
    My 2cents.

    Sartell, MN
    Posts: 317

    I think that anybody who leaves there dog outside should have a nice insulated dog house for fido! Dogs are like part of the family, why make them suffer in this extreme cold. If your neighbor doesn’t have a dog house or fairly warm shelter for this dog he should have his/her kicked! I would ask and if the neighbor doesn’t have a shelter and doesn’t immediately do anything to remedy the situation with his dog, then call the police or animal control. I’m sure they will give your neighbor a !
    My 2cents.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4060

    My lab is strictly an outside dog, but she has it pretty nice too. I have an insulated kennel built into the garage. On even these cold nights she can keep her water dish from freezing if she stays inside. Most of the time she is sitting outside watching rodents run around the yard.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4060

    My lab is strictly an outside dog, but she has it pretty nice too. I have an insulated kennel built into the garage. On even these cold nights she can keep her water dish from freezing if she stays inside. Most of the time she is sitting outside watching rodents run around the yard.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    The most important thing is the insulated house. Also wrapping the dog kennel with tarps to keep the wind out. I used to do this and put straw in the houses. It would stay plenty warm in there even when below zero. Now they are all house dogs except during the day they stay in a heated garage in an inside kennel.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    The most important thing is the insulated house. Also wrapping the dog kennel with tarps to keep the wind out. I used to do this and put straw in the houses. It would stay plenty warm in there even when below zero. Now they are all house dogs except during the day they stay in a heated garage in an inside kennel.

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