I have a 2 1/2 year old British Lab. For the last couple of months he has favored his back left leg a lot. It seems to bug him most after exercise when he has been lying down for awhile. He also seems to chew on his left rear foot a lot.
Fearing hip dysplasia I took him in to get his hips X-Rayed. As it turns out, he hips came back completely clean. Now I am stumped.
The vet talked about a knee or foot problem maybe now being the culprit, and he is going on an aspirin regimen for the next week to see if that helps, and that it may be a clue as to what is wrong.
I am happy it is not his hips. But fully expecting that, and getting a negative–I am now stumped.
Anyone else out there have a similar issue, and have any advice. Thanks in advance.