I have trained a number of labs with tri-tronics collars. The fastest and most effective way that I have found to correct the “STAY AWAY” game that all of these dogs like to play, is to put them on a long check cord and work on sit and stay. After the dog has mastered sit and stay, I move on to doing sit and stay (still on the check cord) using the collar also. Tell the dog to sit and stay, walk about 15 feet away and give them the come command and at that same time you nic them with the collar to reinforce that when you tell the dog to come, they do it. When doing this you don’t shock the dog the entire time, just at first when you give the command, or if the dog decideds on the way to make a detour. You don’t want to have the collar on HIGH POWER, just strong enough to get the dogs attention, start low and work your way up, if your dog is strong minded, it may take a little more zip.. I know this is FORCE training, but trust me it works, and it works fast….I have the most bullheaded lab and even he follows commands…..now. PM me if you have more ?????