Grouse hunters

  • iceangler
    Posts: 20

    I am failry new to this board. I just wanted to get an idea if there are any addicted grouse hunters out there like myself. It would be fun to hook up with some guys this fall for a jaunt through the woods.

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 50

    yes, I like to get out in the woods for grouse when I can find the time. Lot of work, but lot of fun.

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 50

    yes, I like to get out in the woods for grouse when I can find the time. Lot of work, but lot of fun.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 174

    I’m not an avid grouser but I’ve gone enough to know where they should be. Last year I went a couple times with my pup. When the population is up I go more.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 174

    I’m not an avid grouser but I’ve gone enough to know where they should be. Last year I went a couple times with my pup. When the population is up I go more.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    I love to grouse hunt. Where are you located or general area. I hunt around brainerd and mille lacs and a few other areas.


    You can send me a PM if you want.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    I love to grouse hunt. Where are you located or general area. I hunt around brainerd and mille lacs and a few other areas.


    You can send me a PM if you want.

    Posts: 20

    I live in Fridley, so real close to you. My work season ends on Nov 1, so I have a lot of time to get out and chase em.

    Posts: 20

    I live in Fridley, so real close to you. My work season ends on Nov 1, so I have a lot of time to get out and chase em.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    I have been addicted since my dad starting letting me tag along at around age 5. More often than not I hunt alone. I’m going to try my dog this year since she does well on pheasant. If she’s a hindrance I’ll go back to solo. I grew up in Michigan but now chase them all over Minnesota and sometimes Wisconsin. I have many many good spots but the last two years have been tough. Can’t wait for the numbers to go back up where I hunt them. I got 2 on Christmas day which was a nice suprise. I had all but given up for the year so I’m sure glad I went out. My wife and I love to eat them. She get’s very excited when I score because a gourmet dinner soon follows. I have 2 mounted and still save good tails. I stick them all over the family room and my wife tries to stash them when I’m not looking. Sometimes I notice one is missing and sometimes not. There are still a few big ones on the shelf. I feel the same excitement seeing a grouse in the woods as seeing a buck!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    I have been addicted since my dad starting letting me tag along at around age 5. More often than not I hunt alone. I’m going to try my dog this year since she does well on pheasant. If she’s a hindrance I’ll go back to solo. I grew up in Michigan but now chase them all over Minnesota and sometimes Wisconsin. I have many many good spots but the last two years have been tough. Can’t wait for the numbers to go back up where I hunt them. I got 2 on Christmas day which was a nice suprise. I had all but given up for the year so I’m sure glad I went out. My wife and I love to eat them. She get’s very excited when I score because a gourmet dinner soon follows. I have 2 mounted and still save good tails. I stick them all over the family room and my wife tries to stash them when I’m not looking. Sometimes I notice one is missing and sometimes not. There are still a few big ones on the shelf. I feel the same excitement seeing a grouse in the woods as seeing a buck!

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 50

    Do you have any good recipes you could pass on?

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 50

    Do you have any good recipes you could pass on?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    I’m really stuck on just a couple. For young birds I often just dust with flour, brown on med heat, then reduce to low until cooked. You get the full flavor and nothing else. Young ones are tender and work good this way but you can use it for mature birds. The other way I use is dust, brown then either add cream of mushroom or cream of chicken soup and simmer until tender. One more way I started using on pheasants last year was dust, brown then put in caserol dish ,mix white wine with one of the above mentioned soups instead of water, add to dish covering fillets about half way then baking at 350 until tender. About an hour or so in the oven. The wine gives it and extra zing that is real tasty. I’m not a fancy cook and normally cook all my grouse and fish fresh (not frozen) with little seasoning and little patience in the kitchen. I can only imagine how many really good recipes there are out there I know I would like but I really look forward to that ‘wild’ flavor in grouse that differentiates it from chicken.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    I’m really stuck on just a couple. For young birds I often just dust with flour, brown on med heat, then reduce to low until cooked. You get the full flavor and nothing else. Young ones are tender and work good this way but you can use it for mature birds. The other way I use is dust, brown then either add cream of mushroom or cream of chicken soup and simmer until tender. One more way I started using on pheasants last year was dust, brown then put in caserol dish ,mix white wine with one of the above mentioned soups instead of water, add to dish covering fillets about half way then baking at 350 until tender. About an hour or so in the oven. The wine gives it and extra zing that is real tasty. I’m not a fancy cook and normally cook all my grouse and fish fresh (not frozen) with little seasoning and little patience in the kitchen. I can only imagine how many really good recipes there are out there I know I would like but I really look forward to that ‘wild’ flavor in grouse that differentiates it from chicken.

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    I don’t hunt, but my son and his future in-laws do, and last year for a game feed they put on, we had a couple of interesting recipes for grouse. The first was cut meat into strips, flour, brown, and then combine with your favorite picante salsa,simmer for a couple of hours, and serve on tortilla shells with cheese, onions, jalepenos, etc. The second was to prepare a seasoned flour mixture, cut into small chunks (maybe 1 inch square), dust them, and deep fry in hot oil about 2 – 3 minutes. kinda like chicken nuggets, we called ’em grouse nuts and they were excellent.


    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    I don’t hunt, but my son and his future in-laws do, and last year for a game feed they put on, we had a couple of interesting recipes for grouse. The first was cut meat into strips, flour, brown, and then combine with your favorite picante salsa,simmer for a couple of hours, and serve on tortilla shells with cheese, onions, jalepenos, etc. The second was to prepare a seasoned flour mixture, cut into small chunks (maybe 1 inch square), dust them, and deep fry in hot oil about 2 – 3 minutes. kinda like chicken nuggets, we called ’em grouse nuts and they were excellent.


    Wahkon, Minn.
    Posts: 38

    you said that you hunt around mille lacs area. where do you go? i head out to the mille lacs wildlife man. area and the snake river (now i cant remember if it is a wma or a national park) but it is a lot of fun.

    Wahkon, Minn.
    Posts: 38

    you said that you hunt around mille lacs area. where do you go? i head out to the mille lacs wildlife man. area and the snake river (now i cant remember if it is a wma or a national park) but it is a lot of fun.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Yep, been to those and a few more . I like to get off a trail and start walking when I need to leave I pull out to gps and find my truck.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Yep, been to those and a few more . I like to get off a trail and start walking when I need to leave I pull out to gps and find my truck.

    Posts: 64

    Grouse hunting is my favorite of all of the bird hunting I do. There is something to be said about the solitary nature of the hunt, as I choose to hunt alone with only my trusty labrador. To me, it gets to chaotic trying to hunt with several other people in heavy cover. I have many coverts around the Kanabec/Aitkin county areas that are spectacular. Nearly all of the coverts are public. The big mistake that hunters make is that they just choose to walk an area no matter what type of cover it contains. Hunting time is more well spent doing some research on the types of cover and food the grouse prefer. The cycle will begin to turn around again, typically the 07-08-09 years are the best. When the numbers are good I have had numerous 40 flush days, no matter what type of cover I choose to hunt. The grouse to me is a fabulous bird that does not get enough respect.

    Posts: 64

    Grouse hunting is my favorite of all of the bird hunting I do. There is something to be said about the solitary nature of the hunt, as I choose to hunt alone with only my trusty labrador. To me, it gets to chaotic trying to hunt with several other people in heavy cover. I have many coverts around the Kanabec/Aitkin county areas that are spectacular. Nearly all of the coverts are public. The big mistake that hunters make is that they just choose to walk an area no matter what type of cover it contains. Hunting time is more well spent doing some research on the types of cover and food the grouse prefer. The cycle will begin to turn around again, typically the 07-08-09 years are the best. When the numbers are good I have had numerous 40 flush days, no matter what type of cover I choose to hunt. The grouse to me is a fabulous bird that does not get enough respect.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    I know what you mean Grouse. I have a sixth sense for Grouse cover and prefer to hunt alone so I can walk where my instinct tells me to. Then shoot wherever the bird appears.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    I know what you mean Grouse. I have a sixth sense for Grouse cover and prefer to hunt alone so I can walk where my instinct tells me to. Then shoot wherever the bird appears.

    Posts: 20

    I couldn’t agree more about scouting areas before hunting. While scouting for bow-hunting I will try and notice where the birds are, and where they are roosting. Early in the year the birds will still be relating to the same areas of late summer. I also prefer to hunt alone, and just follow my dog. I figure that she has a much better idea of where they are than I do.

    Posts: 20

    I couldn’t agree more about scouting areas before hunting. While scouting for bow-hunting I will try and notice where the birds are, and where they are roosting. Early in the year the birds will still be relating to the same areas of late summer. I also prefer to hunt alone, and just follow my dog. I figure that she has a much better idea of where they are than I do.

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