Dog food and feeding times

  • John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    I saw a post once about what times people feed there dog. It got me thinking and was wondering if any one wanted to share a little more info. What brand of dog food do you use? Do you feed them in the morning, night, or when ever they want to eat? As long as we are on the subject is there any certain treats that you will feed your dog? Is there any food/treats to stay a way from. (i.e. I heard to stay away from raw hide and pigs ears… Any truth in that?

    Any and all info is apreciated…


    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    I would imagine it depends on the dog,IE: SIZE,AGE. I feed my 1 year old 100# lab 2 times a day, Once in the morning (full dish) and then about 1/2 dish around 3 when I get home. My 50 # female lab gets feed once a day as she dosn’t burn it off as fast. These are what I was told by the vet.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    I would imagine it depends on the dog,IE: SIZE,AGE. I feed my 1 year old 100# lab 2 times a day, Once in the morning (full dish) and then about 1/2 dish around 3 when I get home. My 50 # female lab gets feed once a day as she dosn’t burn it off as fast. These are what I was told by the vet.

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Chappy – Good point, I am sure the size and age does matter. I have a 2.5 year old lab. about 80#

    Thanks for the feedback Chappy.


    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Chappy – Good point, I am sure the size and age does matter. I have a 2.5 year old lab. about 80#

    Thanks for the feedback Chappy.


    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    JohnL,I have always feed my dogs 1X a day,at or around the same time each day of course.I have 2 English Setters and a Golden R.The Golden is close to 100#’s,my smallest setter is at 40#’s.
    Some of the Purina products I feed them are these.Pro Plan,Purina One,Dog Chow,and Hi-Pro during our upland season.
    I do not give my dogs those pig ears.But at times we give them big beef bones.Also a good quality dog biscuit is a good treat for them.
    Best of luck,
    Ryan Hale

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    JohnL,I have always feed my dogs 1X a day,at or around the same time each day of course.I have 2 English Setters and a Golden R.The Golden is close to 100#’s,my smallest setter is at 40#’s.
    Some of the Purina products I feed them are these.Pro Plan,Purina One,Dog Chow,and Hi-Pro during our upland season.
    I do not give my dogs those pig ears.But at times we give them big beef bones.Also a good quality dog biscuit is a good treat for them.
    Best of luck,
    Ryan Hale

    NE Minneapolis
    Posts: 126

    Right now I have a 80+#, 7 month old Rottwieler that eats pretty much an all raw food diet consiting mostly of ground beef, and ground up veggies, the only porblem is this is expensive.
    Dont take my word on all of this but this is what I heard from vets and breeders. I would try not to feed your dog anything corn or wheat based. Typically all purina, science diet, eukanuba, and most of your major commercial brands are cooked corn based foods. These are typically harder for your dog to digest and usually lead to a plaque-like build up on your dogs intestinal lining and reduce their life expectancy (basically the same thing that happens to humans if you eat fast food all day). However when my pocket book runs thin I will substitute cooked food in his diet, but it is a rice based product. Nutro and Diamond are a couple rice based out there.

    NE Minneapolis
    Posts: 126

    Right now I have a 80+#, 7 month old Rottwieler that eats pretty much an all raw food diet consiting mostly of ground beef, and ground up veggies, the only porblem is this is expensive.
    Dont take my word on all of this but this is what I heard from vets and breeders. I would try not to feed your dog anything corn or wheat based. Typically all purina, science diet, eukanuba, and most of your major commercial brands are cooked corn based foods. These are typically harder for your dog to digest and usually lead to a plaque-like build up on your dogs intestinal lining and reduce their life expectancy (basically the same thing that happens to humans if you eat fast food all day). However when my pocket book runs thin I will substitute cooked food in his diet, but it is a rice based product. Nutro and Diamond are a couple rice based out there.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    I feed once a day, around 7 pm. The reason that I do this is that I run him after work and do not want to run him on a full stomach. I feed him NutraSource dog food. This is also the way I feed during hunting season after we get home.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    I feed once a day, around 7 pm. The reason that I do this is that I run him after work and do not want to run him on a full stomach. I feed him NutraSource dog food. This is also the way I feed during hunting season after we get home.

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Huck,your Pro Plan and Purina One have meat as their base,not corn.Dog Chow,Hi-Pro have corn as the base.Have no idea about the other brand of foods and what they use.
    Ryan Hale

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Huck,your Pro Plan and Purina One have meat as their base,not corn.Dog Chow,Hi-Pro have corn as the base.Have no idea about the other brand of foods and what they use.
    Ryan Hale

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 50

    I use Iams, and keep a small dog dish full. Typically have to refill it each morning around 7 AM and again around 6 PM. If the dish is empty during mid-day however, I will fill it up. I do pay attention to when my Springer eats. Usually a dish full in the morning, half a dish around early afternoon, and then a dish in the evening. Her water dish is kept continually full. She gets a lot of exercise, and is in great shape.

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 50

    I use Iams, and keep a small dog dish full. Typically have to refill it each morning around 7 AM and again around 6 PM. If the dish is empty during mid-day however, I will fill it up. I do pay attention to when my Springer eats. Usually a dish full in the morning, half a dish around early afternoon, and then a dish in the evening. Her water dish is kept continually full. She gets a lot of exercise, and is in great shape.

    NE Minneapolis
    Posts: 126

    Like I said dont take my word for it and beleive me I’m no expert. Theres a million options out there and I say go with what you like. I should have said meat based with corn filler as most are and there are some other options that purina ect. have out there that are good as well. Its just all personal preference and go with what works.

    NE Minneapolis
    Posts: 126

    Like I said dont take my word for it and beleive me I’m no expert. Theres a million options out there and I say go with what you like. I should have said meat based with corn filler as most are and there are some other options that purina ect. have out there that are good as well. Its just all personal preference and go with what works.

    Plymouth MN.
    Posts: 1031

    For all you sportsman…….
    Iams is one of petas biggest finacial suporter, we had this discusion on here a while ago.
    I feed once a day at night before I go to be. I use pro plan by puria. All the dogs get chew sticks and chew bones along with bones, I never had any problems with these.

    Plymouth MN.
    Posts: 1031

    For all you sportsman…….
    Iams is one of petas biggest finacial suporter, we had this discusion on here a while ago.
    I feed once a day at night before I go to be. I use pro plan by puria. All the dogs get chew sticks and chew bones along with bones, I never had any problems with these.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    I feed twice a day, 7 am and 7 pm. 1 3/4 – 2 cups per feeding. 5 year old lab, 76 pounds or so. If I did free feeding, the 40 pound bag would last about 3 days. And, the dog would weigh 300 pounds. Wife and I both accidentally fed her one night. 4 cups later, she was till likcing the bowl looking for more.

    We feed her ProPlan.

    Our dog get the runs and farts from rawhides. She even got a couple of anal gland infections from them. THAT is a smell you do not want to experience.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    I feed twice a day, 7 am and 7 pm. 1 3/4 – 2 cups per feeding. 5 year old lab, 76 pounds or so. If I did free feeding, the 40 pound bag would last about 3 days. And, the dog would weigh 300 pounds. Wife and I both accidentally fed her one night. 4 cups later, she was till likcing the bowl looking for more.

    We feed her ProPlan.

    Our dog get the runs and farts from rawhides. She even got a couple of anal gland infections from them. THAT is a smell you do not want to experience.

    South Central Minnesota
    Posts: 17

    I feed my two year old 82# Lab 2x a day 2 cups each time. He gets Eukanuba. Seems to work for him very well.

    South Central Minnesota
    Posts: 17

    I feed my two year old 82# Lab 2x a day 2 cups each time. He gets Eukanuba. Seems to work for him very well.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 174

    I’m interested in knowing where it is documented that IAMS supports PETA financially. I don’t think that’s the case. They did have a major lapse in judgement a little while back by supporting the HSUS. They have since seen the error of their ways and due to the incredible amount of feedback they got from sportsmen and sportswomen and sporting magazines pulling their advertising they dropped their affiliation with the HSUS and have added a vet who is a sportsman on their advisory board.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 174

    I’m interested in knowing where it is documented that IAMS supports PETA financially. I don’t think that’s the case. They did have a major lapse in judgement a little while back by supporting the HSUS. They have since seen the error of their ways and due to the incredible amount of feedback they got from sportsmen and sportswomen and sporting magazines pulling their advertising they dropped their affiliation with the HSUS and have added a vet who is a sportsman on their advisory board.

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694


    I’m interested in knowing where it is documented that IAMS supports PETA financially. I don’t think that’s the case. They did have a major lapse in judgement a little while back by supporting the HSUS. They have since seen the error of their ways and due to the incredible amount of feedback they got from sportsmen and sportswomen and sporting magazines pulling their advertising they dropped their affiliation with the HSUS and have added a vet who is a sportsman on their advisory board.

    I was wondering about this as well. I just haven’t got a round to doing any research on it yet. If anyone knows more please let me know


    John Luebker
    Posts: 694


    I’m interested in knowing where it is documented that IAMS supports PETA financially. I don’t think that’s the case. They did have a major lapse in judgement a little while back by supporting the HSUS. They have since seen the error of their ways and due to the incredible amount of feedback they got from sportsmen and sportswomen and sporting magazines pulling their advertising they dropped their affiliation with the HSUS and have added a vet who is a sportsman on their advisory board.

    I was wondering about this as well. I just haven’t got a round to doing any research on it yet. If anyone knows more please let me know


    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    I just got off the phone with Iams.They are NOT connected to PETA in anyway.Infact I was told that if you look at PETA’s webpage there is alot of Iams bashing going on by PETA.
    This is what was explained to me.Iams is owned by Proctor & Gamble,who at one time was connected to PETA in a round about way.So people took it on the run and started to say things about Iams which took off like fire.
    Hope this helps,
    Ryan Hale

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    I just got off the phone with Iams.They are NOT connected to PETA in anyway.Infact I was told that if you look at PETA’s webpage there is alot of Iams bashing going on by PETA.
    This is what was explained to me.Iams is owned by Proctor & Gamble,who at one time was connected to PETA in a round about way.So people took it on the run and started to say things about Iams which took off like fire.
    Hope this helps,
    Ryan Hale

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 325

    Okay guys, so are pigs ears bad to give to dogs? I have a lab pup that just loves em, and about 2-3 nights a week when I kennel him up for the night I will give him one. What’s wrong with them?

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