English Pointer

  • pgoetsch337
    Mazeppa, Minnesota
    Posts: 116

    Hey Guys,
    I am looking to buy an english pointer pup in the spring. Just wondering if you guys have ever hunted behind them or know people who have them or know people that have one for sale.
    Thanks in advance

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    I hunt behind two english all season the last two years. Good dogs and both are great at finding birds, pheasent and grouse. Niether dog retrieves very good and they don’t like the real cold weather, snow, sleet. They are owned by a friend and he is thinking about breading this spring. The dogs have never been trained very well but are great dogs to hunt with. Where are you located? Maybe you could see them in action.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    I hunt behind two english all season the last two years. Good dogs and both are great at finding birds, pheasent and grouse. Niether dog retrieves very good and they don’t like the real cold weather, snow, sleet. They are owned by a friend and he is thinking about breading this spring. The dogs have never been trained very well but are great dogs to hunt with. Where are you located? Maybe you could see them in action.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4086

    I have also hunted between the dogs that Sliderfishn is talking about. These dogs really cover ground and do a great job pointing. They both honor really well also. I really like the intensity that English pointers have. From the time you let em out of the truck to the time you put them back, they are always going. My friend has one that is simply the best pheasant dog I have ever hunted behind. We walked a wind row fifteen minutes after another group had just hunted it. This dog pointed and retrieved (found) 6 birds in the first 200 yds. I still have not seen an English that retieves or one that likes the water. My buddy’s won’t go in up to his belly in any water. As for retrieving, he goes and finds the birds but he won’t pick them up.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4086

    I have also hunted between the dogs that Sliderfishn is talking about. These dogs really cover ground and do a great job pointing. They both honor really well also. I really like the intensity that English pointers have. From the time you let em out of the truck to the time you put them back, they are always going. My friend has one that is simply the best pheasant dog I have ever hunted behind. We walked a wind row fifteen minutes after another group had just hunted it. This dog pointed and retrieved (found) 6 birds in the first 200 yds. I still have not seen an English that retieves or one that likes the water. My buddy’s won’t go in up to his belly in any water. As for retrieving, he goes and finds the birds but he won’t pick them up.

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