Dogs chasing Deer

  • fishthumper
    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12748

    Well the MOST of the guys you know are different than the MOST that I Know. Like I said I’m not saying it right or wrong. Like others have said. Keep control of your dogs and you will never have to worry about this issue.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1437

    Also remember that other people do not love our dogs the same way we do. Respect others and this will never happen to you.

    Posts: 4497

    Kind of coincidence after reading all this last week my dad said saturday afternoon he seen onE of the biggest bucks hes ever seen on his farm run right through his front yard with 2 collared yellow labs chasing it. Only 4 houses within a mile of him and they dont belong to any of them. A dog wandering off your property a little is one thing if they have come from over a mile away thats another. Lucky for them my dad is a nice guy. The neighbor said they have been sitting on his deck recently. I drove the whole area yesterday looking for them to be at a house and have a talk with their owner but never found anything. Might be a different outcome if it happens again.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1437

    Last week there were 2 dogs at my front door in the morning. Called neighbors and no one new whose dogs they were. Finally I had the wife post it on facebook and we found the owners of the dogs within 15 minutes. One was a 8 month old yellow lab the other was an 8 year old springer. Owners said noticed dogs were missing 3pm the following day. Owners house was 8 miles away as the crow flies. They had to be chasing something to stray that far!

    Posts: 2884

    OP- Your first problem is it’s Reddit. There are some good subreddits for whatever specific topic/hobby you may be interested in, but for the most part it’s an echo chamber cesspool of irrational, bleeding heart morons.

    There are lots of well-educated, well-written people on there —which I generally appreciate— but it comes with a downside, too. Rationale and common sense both are not common there, in my experience.

    I try to limit my presence on Reddit these days. Too easy to get caught up in petty debates with brick walls.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13105

    kinda forgot about this thread. interesting to say the least!!!!!!!!

    i always thought i could shoot a dog, or wolf chasing deer, but to be honest if it came right down to it i dont know if i could.

    1) i’ve been a dog owner since like forever, i’d like to think i’m a responsible owner and i keep thinking i would not be happy if someone shot my dog. for the record i’ve never had a dog that was interested in chasing a deer…and i’ve had dogs see deer. sniff maybe…no interest in chasing.

    2) it really goes against my belief of only shooting something that i would eat.

    3) the thought of getting caught and the consequences are NOT worth it!!!

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    i always thought i could shoot a dog, or wolf chasing deer

    A wolf chasing deer is natural. Wolves are predators and deer are the prey.

    A dog chasing deer is not natural Glenn. The two are not intertwined.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13105

    I’m very well aware of that. We’ve had a cabin in wolf country for only 58 years.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    I’m very well aware of that. We’ve had a cabin in wolf country for only 58 years.

    So then you would know that it is in fact legal to shoot a dog chasing deer between Jan 1 and July 15, but it is currently not legal to shoot a wolf chasing a deer at any time of the year.

    I think we are in agreement on this subject of shooting a dog that has been caught in the act of chasing or wounding a deer Glenn. I’m just not sure where the wolf thing entered the conversation. This thread is not about wolves.

    They are not on the endangered species list so you can legally shoot one that is caught attacking livestock or personal property (like your dog).

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13105

    Wolves got brought into my post because I have the same opinion of both. I just plain don’t think I can shoot either one. I won’t know until I actually see it in the moment.

    I think I made it clear my reasoning in the 3 instances I refered to earlier. Don’t care what time of the year.

    And honestly in the 58 years I’ve been going up there I have never encountered it. Think I’ve seen 3 wolves in my time up there and that was driving. Have I seen signs of wolves yes.

    My nephew had a video of a wolf in front of his deer stand last year, he could of easily plugged it. But if he won’t eat it he won’t shoot it.

    Mookie Blaylock
    Wright County, MN
    Posts: 469

    Some of you might be interested to hear that I have had several neighbor dogs on my trail cameras lately…
    It’s not surprising, but a noticeable uptick from years past.
    Gave me a chuckle at least. Hopefully its a non issue.

    Posts: 25048

    Gave me a chuckle at least. Hopefully its a non issue.

    If I had neighbor dogs on my trail cam I would NOT get a chuckle out of it.

    Mookie Blaylock
    Wright County, MN
    Posts: 469

    Probably should have noted that this is not my land.

    I have no relation with the landowner, so I’m just happy he lets me out there.
    Could be his dogs for all I know.

    Posts: 4497

    I was getting minumum of 60 deer pictures a day all summer and fall including 2 or 3 really nice bucks. A few weeks back when the 2 labs showed up chasing the big buck through my dads yard havent had a single picture since. Our land is mostly ag with a few 10-20 acre woods scattered around. Pretty easy for stupid dogs to chase the deer out of woods that size. Havent seen the dogs lately but lots of their tracks in the mud. I wouldnt want to shoot them but the poop pisses me off.

    Posts: 1811

    You can tell when the dog next door is loose and just running, But when a couple of them are really chaseing a deer you can tell, Then take care of business. DK.

    Posts: 1289

    just my 2 cents, anyone’s dog can get loose, just a year ago I followed a dog 4 miles across country to it’s home, the owner wasn’t home, so I knocked on his neighbors door, the dog had been a problem with all those that lived around the time that dog showed up I solved the problem.
    over the years we raised show horses, we live not far from a lake, on the weekends people on the lake let their dogs run loose, several times we had dogs chasing the horses and I went door to door, asking all those that had dogs to keep them home, I always got the same response” not my dogs or they just want to play” after watching a vet spend 5 hrs stitching up a mare that never could be shown again,and the next time a dog showed up in the pasture, I solved the problem.
    Like I said, anyone’s dog can get away from them, I always make it a point to find the owner and talk to them, It’s sad to say most don’t want to put in the effort or take the responsibility for their pet.

    Posts: 1289

    the difference between coyote, wolf vs dogs, one kills to eat, one kills for the excitement.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    the difference between coyote, wolf vs dogs, one kills to eat, one kills for the excitement.

    That’s kinda what I have been saying in this thread. Wolves, coyotes, etc are natural predators. Stray dogs are not.

    Posts: 426

    The first evening I let it pass the second evening I didn’t. And i love dogs it wasn’t easy to do.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22389

    I guess I just control my dog., she don’t chase deer so she don’t get shot

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