Interested in hearing any of your opinions for or against. Not looking to start anything, just curious.
IMO the law really exists to give landowners legal protection should they have to deal with local dogs that are chronically chasing and/or killing deer. It is very difficult for law enforcement officers to actually be present and witness the dogs chasing, so there had to be some opening to allow private landowners and LE to legally take action
While this is not common, it’s not ultra-rare either. About a mile from my farm, there was a guy and his wife that plunked down a trailer on 5 acres. They had 3 pit bulls and they just let them wander.
Of course, the pit bulls took to freelancing and they were seen almost everywhere within a 2-mile radius running deer. Multiple visits from law enforcement did nothing to convince the owners to tie-up or kennel Fluffy, Muffin, and Ding Ding.
Unfortunately, the price for an irresponsible owner will ultimately be paid by the dogs. The pit bulls graduated to calf-chasing and they got caught and dealt with by the rancher.
Personally, I would not shoot a hunting breed, a hound, or any dog with a collar on if it were chasing game on my property, but there is certainly a limit. Once is an accident, I’ve seen even good bird dogs lose their mind and go freelancing on a deer that jumped up. Fine. Rover gets a pass and I’d even help catch him. But if Rover starts showing that chasing deer is becoming a habit, we’re going to have problems after the second time.
The free pass does not extend to dogs without collars chasing deer and displaying signs of being a wild pack.