I was cruising Reddit this morning and got myself pretty worked up before ultimately getting my replies deleted by the mods.
The topic was on hunting deer with dogs, and was being talked about negatively. While I don’t find any interest in it, I still like to read peoples opinions.
One of the comments was from a Minnesotan that said “In MN we shoot dogs that chase deer.”
I felt like that was so disgusting that I needed to say something about it, and was probably too combative in my reply. The replies were left open for a while and it seemed like I was the minority in thinking that shooting dogs that chase deer was immoral.
I honestly didn’t even know this was a legal action until this morning, and did see that this is only legal for times when bird hunters wouldn’t be out in the fields, but, WTH!?!
Can someone explain how this could be a thing in MN?
I get that dogs can ruin a guys hunt, but come on, stray or not, this just doesn’t sit with me well.
Interested in hearing any of your opinions for or against. Not looking to start anything, just curious.
What am I missing here?