Our 11 year old springer Gus has had a lot going on the past couple months. Ear infections, eye infections, mysterious scabs/dried and bloody sores all over his back. The vet has put him on some steroids and antibiotics a couple times now to try and combat the scabs. Recently we noticed he has not been tracking the Frisbee or ball when playing fetch and over the past week it has progressively gotten worse where he is tentative to walk up stairs and bumping into things because it seems he can’t see. Vet told us to stop the antibiotics earlier this week incase it was a side effect, but I kind of doubt that. Sure seems like regressions in vision would be something that is not reversible. He is getting some blood work done today to rule out other things. Anyone had very rapid vision loss in one of their pets or any feedback on this? Kinda seems like I am just in shock and not really accepting that he might becoming blind. Really hoping this past fall was not his last time chasing pheasants…
IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » Hunting Dogs » Dog Sudden Loss of Vision
Dog Sudden Loss of Vision
March 21, 2024 at 12:14 pm #2262532
Our springer is loosing vision also. Not suddenly though, he has arthritis pretty bad, vet gave him some meds and he is moving around better. Also says he is loosing his hearing. He is 13 and was never hunted, we got him at the pound when he was 1. Sorry I am not of more help. Tough to see them like this.
Posts: 599March 21, 2024 at 12:36 pm #2262537Are his eyes clear when you look at them? Thinking cataracts from prednisone or just age. I’ve got two springers, it’s hard after age 11.
March 21, 2024 at 1:07 pm #2262544His eyes are a bit cloudy, but have been like that for a while now. He has a calcium deposit on one of his eyes too. Just seems like over the past week his vision has rapidly declined. We are probably going to get an apt at a vet ophthalmologist.
Bill Mundt
Posts: 58March 21, 2024 at 3:02 pm #2262582I had an old Black and Tan hound that went blind over night 10 years ago or so. Obviously, he couldn’t hunt anymore. But he lived out the remainder of his life being a great yard dog and shop dog for several years before I had to put him down. He surprisingly adjusted very well to being blind. He had no problem smelling and eating food.
What are you feeding your dog?
mark Mason
Posts: 123March 21, 2024 at 3:16 pm #2262591I had a great experience with my Spaniel at Animal Eye Specialty Center in Andover, MN. They specialize in animal vision challenges. The Doctors there are very helpful.
March 21, 2024 at 3:33 pm #2262594SARDS (sudden acquired retinal degeneration) occurs in breed. Referral to net eye doctor would be good idea as mentioned before. Andover eye clinic would be great choice and are usually quicker to get in then other. Minimal get some eye pressure done to look for glaucoma(high) or low can support uveitis.
March 22, 2024 at 6:23 am #2262666Thanks for the input guys. We are going to get an apt at Animal Eye Specialty Center. He has been eating Purina Pro Plan for a long time, but I think we might switch it up to see if that helps with the scabs if they come back now that he is off the antibiotics. I looked up the SARDS symptoms and he does have some of them. He got some blood work done from the vet yesterday so we will should know today if anything comes of that. Not sure about Blasto and if that would show up in the bloodwork or not.
March 22, 2024 at 7:48 am #2262685Blast often lungs but it can be localized to just eyes. There is specific urine test but does take time to get back results.
March 25, 2024 at 12:02 pm #2263260My wife brought him to the eye doctor this morning. Sounds like there is thinning to the peripheral retina and sudden retina degeneration. They are thinking it is SARDS. Sounds like its just a matter of time before he is completely blind. Good news is that most dogs still have a good quality of life with it and he is not in pain, but will have to adjust to not having sight. Will have to get creative with throwning the frisbee/ball since he pretty much lives for that.
Posts: 1722April 24, 2024 at 8:09 pm #2269262How’s the dog doing?
This may be a good time to find a new pup to help him out.
April 25, 2024 at 6:42 am #2269286He has definitely lost even more of the little vision that he had. I think he is pretty much completely blind at this point. He is still his normal self, just runs into a lot of things and needs more help getting around. My wife has bought a bunch of balls with bells in them, but non of them are all that great. I probably should start thinking about getting a puppy.
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