Took my dog in because her back left leg seemed to tremble/shake when she was standing, vet determines she has a torn ACL. The options are medicating with glucosamine, fish oil, and pain meds, which apparently can help out quite a bit, or surgery. Surgery is apparently cheaper than I expected. Surgery for a torn ACL for a dog is typically $1,700 but for her age it’d be a different surgery for her age and about $2,200. I guess I was expecting a lot more, because surgeries and hospital procedures for humans are outrageous, but maybe that’s more of an indictment of stupid expensive healthcare costs, which is a topic for another thread.
My plan now is to try out the meds/pills and see what happens. Anyone have similar experience, tried the pills, tried the surgery, etc?
Some background: She’s 11, will be 12 in May. She’s a mix of husky & shepherd and who knows what else, I got her at a pound in Kansas when I was stationed at Fort Riley. So I know she’s getting up there in age. The vet (whose honesty was refreshing and appreciated) said that if it was his dog, at that age, he likely wouldn’t do surgery. But he also said she seems in good shape and might still have some good years left in her.
That’s kind of why I’m just looking to see if anyone else has done this surgery or not. I think subconsciously and even consciously I’m leaning towards doing it. If anyone is thinking of typing the old “I would never waste $x,xxx on a dog” don’t waste your time, I won’t listen. Think of how many people post on here when their beloved animal dies; I don’t want to get to that day and wish I would’ve done this. I got this dog less than a month after getting back from my second Iraq deployment. She’s been one of the major parts of my adult life. As I said, surgery doesn’t even really seem that expensive compared to what I was expecting. And hell, this is why I wait until things are on sale to buy them and live as frugal and cheaply as I can, so I can spend my money on the people and animals that I love. So I guess this isn’t a “should I or shouldn’t I?” post, it’s more of a “have you been through something like this, or gotten the surgery on a dog, and care to share your experience?” post?
Thanks in advance. I know IDO is full of good folks who’d kill for their pet dogs, and I’m the same.